
Adam Scott is great, but he seems almost too sad for the part for me – like another poster said, more similar Tim from the BBC version. Krasinski was downtrodden but brought some jokerish lightheartedness that suited the American version better.

Agreed, this show would be a lot more interesting if it didn't try to be the Sopranos (and inevitably come up short). The Donovan nuclear family is almost exactly analogous to the Sopranos, except each member is less complex and interesting.

They used it in the trailer for The Tigger Movie, if I recall correctly.

Man, you left out the best part of that line, when he angrily slurs "wanna WATCH?"

The Maeby episode is definitely good, but I think her and George Michael's episodes also benefit from the structure of the season, which alludes to a lot of plots and gags throughout the beginning and middle that aren't really resolved until the end. I have to say that, having rewatched the first half of the season as

Greetings from 2013! I'm on my first watch of the Sopranos and thoroughly enjoying Todd's reviews. Who knows if anyone will read this, but getting some thoughts out is a good way to decompress after marathoning such a fantastic season of television.

From Torrhen's Square (reachable by boat) to Winterfell? The Game of Thrones wiki lists the distance as 120 miles.

Yeah, it's definitely unrealistic. People make fun of Biden a lot, for example, but I've seen him on the campaign trail and the dude knows how to work a crowd.

What? If anything he's the Jerry.

He needs ships if he wants to get to the Wall in the first place

It's also important because moving large numbers of men and supplies across a major river is a huge pain in the ass. It's worth paying a premium to be able to use a large, well-maintained bridge, especially in a war when such a bridge allows you to keep your forces unified and saves several crucial days in potential

Nah she stone cold offed that nigga, and in the books it's much less of an accident than portrayed on the show.

Sam actually mentioned walking on top of the wall all the way back to Castle Black, which has the advantage of being direct (and paved!) at the cost of extreme wind and cold.

You're mistaken, it's the coin she gets from Jaqen after escaping Harrenhal.

Yeah, not sure what her plan is there. There are rivers that flow reasonably deep into the north – it's how Theon got to Winterfell, though even that required a couple of dozen miles on foot.

I mean, they're not called White Runners for a reason.

Agreed, I would guess Balon Greyjoy dies very early in S4, perhaps in the premiere. Since Theon doesn't really do much until book 5, Asha's storyline and the kingsmoot will be something of a substitute.

Well, where exactly is he supposed to send Sansa? She has no parents, no older siblings, and Winterfell is in ruins. Sending her north at this point would be more dangerous than keeping her in King's Landing now that Roose is loose, er, Warden of the North.

Relatedly, nearly all the biggest "twists" were revealed in the various trailers and commercials. I could have seen myself laughing at the sudden appearance of tigers, babies, Mike Tyson, etc., if I didn't know in advance exactly when each would show up.

Would Azerbaijan be considered Persian? It used to be part of Iran.