
I thought it was "pay my way," but "gay" is way funnier

Very few shows are better than P&R season 3!

I hope you mean Lamorne Morris in character as Winston. How awesome would it be for him to have mysterious disappearances from New Girl (which pretty much happens already unintentionally) and make sly references to boning alien chicks when he returns.

It's the Season 4 Curse. Barney and Robin on HIMYM, Tom and Ann on Parks & Rec, and Troy and Britta on Community all happened in Season 4. Those who do not study TV history are doomed to repeat it.

They didn't say he's "well," just not currently on his deathbed.

Agreed, they definitely have to stretch to find reasons to work him into an episode. He works better as AN example of the type of small-time assholes who can be a thorn in the Veep's side, not THE example.

Makes sense to me. Less strenuous than "regular" acting jobs with similar pay. Much easier to schedule other jobs around as well.

If he made obscene money for 10+ years out of law school, it's possible that he had sizable savings built up. Still, not working at all for 4 years is a bit unbelievable, but this show hasn't strived for "believable" in quite some time (if ever).

His excitement felt kind of weirdly detached before that point, but I laughed out loud as well at how thoroughly *delighted* he was to have  a new "plot development."

I imagine they don't want to fire Ken Jeong, and even if they did, his Hangover fame makes him one of the most recognizable cast members, so I doubt NBC would let them.

Jeff and Britta just have such good chemistry, as evidenced when they went to meet Jeff's dad. I'm not a shipper and don't really care who ends up with whom (or if anybody ends up with anybody), but Troy/Britta is just so lifeless and nonsensical as to be distracting.

I'm thinking they should have just opened the episode with Cornwallis tied to a chair in Jeff's apartment and gone from there. Nothing before that point was all that interesting or funny.

Agreed, this season order made no sense. Fans won't like it as much as the Harmon seasons, and it's too late at this point to draw in many new viewers. I would have vastly preferred a definite announcement that this is the last season to this weird purgatory we're in now – endgames tend to focus the writers' abilities

I think after a point shows just need something shaken up to keep from running out of ideas. Parks and Rec is the prime example; bringing in Adam Scott and Rob Lowe at the end of season 2 was a masterstroke.

I like to think Harmon would have been able to craft a satisfying end for the series, at least. I feel like four full seasons of Community, one for each school year, would have been perfect.

There's already a similar app (or maybe just web service) that automatically donates money to groups/organizations you hate (e.g. Westboro Baptist Church) if you fail to meet a certain personal goal. I can definitely something like Forbid taking off, though I don't know why it would need so many employees.

The Aronofsky joke was solid, but I couldn't get over Troy saying it. It was smart a reference to jibe with his comical ignorance throughout the rest of the episode.

Serious question: have you ever seen a Ken Burns documentary? My roommate and I were divided on that episode, and we eventually realized that a lot of the jokes fell flat to him due to a lack of familiarity with the genre. It's one of the pitfalls of being such a reference-heavy show.

Jim already has an apartment there, so apparently they can afford it. I don't think the show is all that realistic about finances.

Well, in the first season they did make a big deal about Dexter's murderous impulses coming from his "dark passenger," though it's not quite another personality. Not really the point of the show, though.