
... now I wanna see it on a Hot Wheels track in Forza.

Well, compared to a modern car, maybe. But you know, ten percent improvement and you’d have a _really_ nice ride.

Yep. A Series 61 Caddy. Pretty sure it was a 49 or 50.

Complete agreement. A little more guts and a better transmission and you’ve got an overlander too. (make it hose-downable while you’re at it)

Mercury, as Ford’s electric division.

I mean, you’re right, but sometimes those minimal changes get pretty extreme.

Sure. Be glad to do it with one of the newer ones.

As someone who grew up near Indian Point, and while not a literal nuclear physicist, I have studied the topic quite excessively over time due to very specific nightmares, I just want to say that you are one hundred percent correct.

Bring back the Tracker! Two door convertible! Body on Frame! Goes anywhere, does anything! Biggest sunroof ever!

Same here. Hoping to bring it back one day - a spiritual sequel of the concept is on my list after City of Titans is done.

You know, even with that old grille and headlights, it... it looks pretty good and kinda modern in a non-futureshock way.

Now playing

A very, very, very good Bad Idea. A Local Motors Rally Fighter ‘kit’ car.

I say my suggestion will make the Life Insurance agent crawl into the trunk and hide.

Hm. So you want Bad Ideas. Something that can replace a 4Runner. I admit, a Viper is a good idea. A sensible package of insane horsepower. Let’s... push the envelope a bit.

I just want to know how it climbed inclines. Sweet McGoogily Moses, forget speed, I’ve been to the Apennines, I just... did it get flatbedded up every night? 

Fair and reasonable. The guy has always struck me as square and solid, and the discussion was worth having.

Don’t worry about Levandowski, the Basilisk will get him. I am like 80% sure he believes in it sincerely. 

Yeah, this is not Someone Else’s Project, it’s a Forgotten Legend.

Or, more fun, play everyone BUT Kermit, and create as much chaos as possible without ending the show.