Wandering Ronin

UGH, why do these CHILD characters in a game targeted at CHILDREN have to look so CHILDISH!


There’s currently a rumor going around about a new one. We’ll see, though.

I’m just happy someone remembered that Armored Core exists. Now I just wish FromSoft would remember that.

I remember playing the first Armored Core when i discovered the Moonlight Blade in it. My friend and I scoured every level looking for hidden parts. But the Moonlight blade and the Karasawa laser rifle were the absolute best.  

The prequel was terrible. The Thing is all about stealth because it’s trying to survive and get out in to the wild but it ruins every opportunity to escape by revealing itself for NO REASON.

*seethes impatiently in Armored Core*

Holy shit people are actually defending this criminal?

Humans thinking it's bad if humans all die is "odd"? You're trying too hard to be edgy.

Your point notwithstanding, “never” is an odd word to use when the person holding them accountable this time, is white.

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See, I was thinking another show:

Kobayashi Maru, rigged so I’ll fail
Gonna get lit on Romulan ale
Somebody said a ship could be near
We could be redshirts, dead in a year
All my dreams, a warp drive jump away
If I can pass that test I just might stay

In other news....

I’m excited, but the second one of these shows is set in Forgotten Realms (which seems likely) my eyes are going to glaze over. It’s just never a setting that resonated with me and has been featured extremely heavily for the past two editions and pretty much every video game for the last 2 decades. 

I tell ya hwat man, talkin’ bout this seems like a dang ol’ bad idea, you know, the original run already ran its dang ol’ course, man, talkin’ bout different climate and hwatnot, no dang ol’ Luanne or Lucky either, man, just can’t see this workin’ out, I tell ya hwat.

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In the same theme of theme songs that rocked WAY harder than they had a right to I present:

For real? No Disney cartoons yet?

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Welp in the Greys, but I gotta speak up for this classic banger of open and closing credits, probably the oldest of the bunch:

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Because no one seems to have brought it up yet: Farscape. Perfectly set the mood for the show. Season 3 variant is the best one:

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This is just what adventure looks, sounds and feels like to me.