Wandering Ronin

The devs of one of my favorite games (XCOM) is channeling the vibes of two of my OTHER favorite games (Slay the Spire & Divinity Original Sin 2) and doing my favorite mode (spooky) of my favorite comics (Marvel)...

I don’t see it. Game looks grer.

it’s weird how often this “take” comes up across sites; saw it a lot with Marilyn Manson too. there’s always someone to swoop in and make the dumb comment that, duh! dying your hair, having tattoos, wearing makeup, wearing a tad too much black, means everyone should have expected the worst!*

“The guy’s still saying”.. No, he’s not.  That’s the point.  The idea is that in the fourteen years since that was written, he’s grown and matured some.  I think we can all agree people can change in that given time frame.  I don’t even see where the person you’re responding to specifically mentioned politics, just

I am in the privileged group, so I’m happy to defer to those who are more affected by the experience.

Glad I got here before a certain commenter comes along and complains about how awful this show is and how it ruined society because he doesn’t like 4 specific episodes.

You can’t kill the Mario Kart
Mario Kart will live on
Mario Golf tried to kill the Mario Kart
But they failed as they were smite to the ground
Miitopia tried to kill the Mario Kart
They failed as they were stricken down to the ground

Seconded.  Work on it has slowed as she’s gotten other projects under her belt, but TLH is absolutely worth a read.

I loved the first Halloween book but maybe I got burnt out but couldn’t get past the first few pages of the second. :(

I love Abby Howard’s stuff. I found JSPH through xkcd, and from there I found her horror series The Last Halloween.....

I happened on her webcomic Junior Scientist Power Hour and spent two nights reading all of it. And then going further down the hole I heard about this game. I highly recommend the webcomic. It’s a hilarious slice-of-life series, quite a contrast to the game.


Yngwe Macadangdang Jr. did the same thing for Hacky Sack. Some star players just get eyes on the sport.

Honestly, as someone who has read the books... the characters and worlds are really fascinating beyond the flavor text of the cards... but if they were going to show people that maybe start with a TV show to onboard people and end the first season with a teaser of the many other worlds/planeswalkers beyond the story

The worlds are plenty interesting, it's the writing and the characters that are bleh at best.

I’d argue that it’s absolutely an interesting world with great lore. The problem was this game wanted to make you care about nobodies you created yourself instead of letting you play as the gatewatch against baddies like nicol bolas

“Integrity, dignity and honor.” Is it worrying that I can’t tell if you’re trolling or not?

And that right there is how Hell was created:
we look at those among us who are hurting us ALL, in ways that are myriad but impossible to punish, the people who wield the knives in the deaths of a thousand cuts, and because our very society doesn’t punish these people but instead rewards them?
We dream of Hell.

Great, now make a Mistborn open world city exploration game ripping on old assassin’s creed but with Allomancy and Feruchemy powers.