
Probably sent him a bill for the cortisone too.

"watch the Bears game at a suburban Tilted Kilt with Dan Hampton"
Don't give AV Club Contests any ideas.

Because he can.

The AV Club

Here, borrow @Dikachu:disqus's

[goes to own profile, wears out right-side mouse button]


…in my bunk…holding a sword…

"the basic premise of the show is that Dice will play a fictionalized version of himself "
The fictionalized part is that he's funny.

If Phil Collins did a Hatesong on "Sussudio," for his entire catalog I might forgive him for killing Genesis.

And being the last two guests, playing chess in the backyard.

One summer the truck that picked up our alley would stop and take a break at the end of the block and park right under a row of windows of the apartment building on the corner. I figured one of the crew's exes must've lived there because the truck was always really ripe by the time of day they came by.

Apparently it's a Cleveland thing, but I'm sure they're everywhere.

In Chicago every city worker is drunk with power.

Boss Tweedy.

Only if it's pedal-powered by a top knot wearing hipster (I know that's redundant).

Not since Hot Dougs closed.

"You say you want the river to flow backwards?

Okay, we can fix that.