
The 'Guardian reviewer is the one who said "hate," I'm only trying to figure out how that works on a five star scale. I suppose two stars with an asterisk for your review of signs? To my thinking for two stars to indicate hatred I'd want to see at least 10 if not 12 stars on that scale.

Exactly, two stars=ambivalent. The reviewer's tweet after giving it two stars though, "Incredible way of making my two star review seem like I didn't hate the film." makes me wonder how many stars are in his scale.

So two stars means he hates the film? Do half-stars even mean anything anymore?

So maybe the other twin is the one that needs glasses?

That's just it, if the song had an edge-some teeth it might be worth listening to. The insipid bouncy rhythm and the downright lazy lyrics just about made me run over that little old lady. She doesn't know how lucky she was that I was able to change the station so quickly.

I Want a New Drug came on the radio yesterday when I was in the car, I never much cared for Huey back in his heyday and after about 22 seconds of that song yesterday I really kinda hate him.

Mumford and Sons

Maybe she should have a doctor check that out.

Isn't it just plain hip to be square?

Or a new iPhone

Queen Elizabeth, too?


Do you really think you can get out of ElDan's Basement with that camera?

The twist: They're all bank robbers!

Apple's sending the AV Club U2's next album.

Nice avatar/comment work there.

Case dismissed!

So who's starting the kickstarter to send James Woods "enough cocaine"?

Go away, snowmobiling!

Of course, it's on her drivers' license.