

Seriously, after seeing that I never even want to eat again.

So that's where all those arm-chair constitution scholars got their degrees!

A spark can happen at any age, maybe this friend is the one who's incapable of feeling it anymore (or ever?). I've felt it more than once in my life and it still strikes Mrs the farting dog and myself from time to time. We're both over 50 (met in our early 40s) and know that when we get "sparked" we better respond and

Foxworthy in a commercial would inspire to do anything but what they are selling.

I speak for all the @avclub-2bee1eacae234c60cc67c592c6619c4a:disquss of these boards when I say "Get off my lawn!"

Is Adam Sandler in charge of hiring all the brown-skinned extras to play the doomed Sherpas?

If it helps I didn't hesitate to pull the upvote trigger.

The least you could do is give me an upvote.

I always thought that was a posed shot from a photo shoot ala Annie Liebowitz. The revelation that it was onstage, damn.

The man he shot wasn't Kid Rock's father?

That's not the part I was talking about, this is, "I think it comes down to living within your means and not buying stuff you don't need."
It's in the constitution and the ten commandments ferchrissakes.

This is actually a commendable job, internet.

Yer darn tootin!

The AV Club Comments

My hovercraft is filled with eels.

Considering this guy's name is Westerberg shouldn't he be using songs like Gary's Got A Boner and God Damn Job?

Mine's at the dry cleaners.

That is Wafflicious you're asking about high enough.

The Boner/Dik feud of 2015 could get verrrry messy.