
Become a minister.

[loud hooting and hollering with a wolf whistle thrown in]

hey, hey, hey

You know Apple won't buy it, they'll just put a random price on it and charge users while not paying the content creators.

“has held preliminary conversations…with executives in Hollywood to suss out their interest in spearheading efforts to produce entertainment content.”

Gagne with a spoon- Moon Zappa

"Hey, Lorne - there are lots of funny people…" Not to get technical or anything but this guy isn't even funny.

Is it too late for me to add to that bag?

C'mon Tonight Show, you couldn't get Ricky Martin to be your musical guest?

Make the bloody corpse Jim Belushi and make the film a documentary.

"more delectable" Sez you.

Hey Chrissie, your burka's showing!

Keep Assholing, Loggers!

But somehow can't delete their email addresses, they just keep coming back.

Ello? Anybody there?

So Steve Berlin was based on a muppet?


Nothing supernatural about that though.

In related news, Axl Rose has announced that he’s working on some kind
of flower that you attach wheels to. It does not sound like a good idea.