
When my first wife and I separated (around '99-00) she moved to Ukrainian Village in Chicago. I have this image/fantasy that Darnielle met her during that time and basically wrote down what she had to say verbatim and it became this song.

That seemed pretty obvious to me too.

As a bona fide old timer, Get Off My Lawn!

:: looks at yesterday's dirty plate next to computer ::

Paula Deen:
The Dred Scott Trial don't mean a thing to me.

Paula Deen:
The Dred Scott Trial don't mean a thing to me.

Same in Chicago. The biggest surprise for me was that it only dates back to 2002, it feels like it's from the primordial ooze to me.

This thing isn't obscure, it's ubiquitous.

I don't need those points that badly.

"cause she's in hell

Aw fuck.

She's not sick but she's not well.

I bet his ankles are swollen too.

I had one but my mom made me keep it at my grandma's house (in fairness to mom grandma is the one who bought it for me, I think there was more to that whole thing than either of them caring if I had a drumset or not).

It could be 45 degrees with no snow when you go in to the show and Hoth when you leave 2-1/2 hours later.

Maybe her name is on that list of hacked emails?

(sister)sleeper, I see what you did there. 10.0

*ahem, sex worker

Pitchfork rating for Duggar statement: 7.2