Perhaps those are HP and Torque figures.
Perhaps those are HP and Torque figures.
In an era where Chrysler kept getting passed around like a cheap hooker I can't believe they got into this level of advertisement. I find it hard to believe NBC would pay them royalties for the show I bet they paid NBC to have the show!
Lancer Evolution X: it's what i currently drive. Fast, capable, and insanely fun (especially if you travel off the grid and want to turn one of your driving legs into a rally stage).
Couldn't Agree More.
Equus door handle line?
Ever heard of terminal velocity...? You'll get familiar with that concept real quick doing that.
Didn't really scare me but i did get a weird tingly feeling in my shins and my stomach got light. Man the power of suggestion is a serious mofo!
In other words just a matter of numbers which unfortunately for Mazda worked totally against them. Gotcha, thanks for the clarification!
Yeah it's pricy but look at all the work and care that's gone into this thing. It's straight up BOSS too and it comes with a STICK....
Looked more like LUDICROUS SPEED to me than anything. I'm surprised the whole track didn't turn to plaid.
I swear every time I hear a story like this...
The 964 was used as a base car because it could easily mount 901 based parts (63 to 88), however it had a more common strut/coil suspension rather then the torsion beam. That's where Singer's handling comes from.
I really, really, REALLY, REALLY want to see an incar video of that crash. Seems like no %@#$^ were given for the camera as the driver went full throttle. It looks like he hit the wall faster then everyone else was driving!
Nah always thought the car was too wacky for me. I may be getting the story mixed up but I thought the car came basically with about 200HP but the manual was advertised as having 250HP which it didn't come close to having.
Nah those things are a bit too wacky for me. I thought it was a known thing that they basically had the same power both models but the Manual was advertised with more power than it had I might be getting the story mixed up.
Brake Master Cylinder?