
Last night, after a few frustrating moments involving stripped screws, I finally upgraded my fat PS3's HD. Of course, the noob moment only revealed itself after I've cleaned up everything: I forgot to save my most recent trophies online. So now, I'm missing 3-4 trophies from my ME2 playthrough. Although this is not

Yeah I've had that formatting issue happen to me a lot recently. And, even if I go back in my comment and apply the necessary changes to make my post look professional, it still reverts to that messed up block of gibberish.

I disagree: Roman Holiday is a rom-com. The only thing about that movie that didn't follow rom-com definition, is the fact that they didn't end up being together.

If only I know how to promote this comment, I would. Thank you for stating what's on my mind when I read this article.

I like how, instead on shutting out rom-coms, you actually get some motivation from them. They're like one of those energy drinks you take whenever you feel down. Life is hard enough as it is, why do we need to burden ourselves more by nitpicking on an entertainment medium? If people don't like it, then don't watch

What does Macross Plus and Cowboy Bebop have in common? They both have a musical genius behind their soundtrack, and her name is Yoko Kanno.

I'm also playing through Mass Effect 2 at this time. And, like everybody else said, you can scan planets for resources in order to get upgrades.

Happy V-Day guys!

I like cars, and I like Evangelion, but I'm sorry not interested in mixing both.

First playthrough in ME2, and me not really into second playthroughs, decided to make this one game my canon ME2 in preparation for ME3. Currently working on sweet talking Miranda (already done the loyalty mission last weekend, and I already got her "locked in" dialogue), but I also want to get it on with Kelly

Some of you commenters might recognize me and my current Mass Effect 2 ravings. One of the best parts of this game for me is the mining for resources; moving between planets and scanning for platinum and element zero, I think this served very well as a distraction from the story and shootouts of the game.

This was an awesome series, really liked it, thanks for reminding me! :D

"She's built like a steakhouse, but she handles like a bistro."

My favorite line from SH1:

Yeah, Mamoru Oshii is one of those creative types who prefer the slow-burn approach to their stories. He puts great emphasis on the story and the overall feel of the movie/series. I also enjoyed Patlabor TV way back when, but I have not seen the 3rd movie, and looks like I didn't miss out very much at all.

Yeah a lot of good games tend to slide under our radars simply because of the media hype for the big-name titles per genre. I remember when I first played Valkyrie Profile in my PS, I was absolutely hooked. So I've decided to be more open-minded with games, especially original titles, or anything that plays uniquely.

I agree, I want to see more DLC passes for pre-orders, or even for special editions, I'm willing to pay extra for those, but nothing more than $20.

Recently, Ive been trying to post images here with my comments, but for some reason they do not show in my browser. Am I doing something wrong here?

The only thing that kind of threw me off from her design in RE5 is her nose, not really sure why. But I agree, she filled out her suit quite nicely.