
We’re all right there with you, Gross1.

My money is on him being a producer keep. At the beginning at least there are always a few that the PTB keep for rating$$$

Not super great career-wise—but he seems relatively normal and not gross. Hopefully he won’t show douchebag colors as time goes bc I am so Team Ali.

Aw, I didn’t get murder eyes from him—maybe I was too focused on Canadian Psycho Daniel “Patrick Bateman” Lastname

OMG it IS!! <3 <3 now I need to watch that movie again...

Never date a guy who says you’re not like other girls—because what he’s saying is that he doesn’t like girls.

OF COURSE <3 <3 <3

I do tho <3 <3 <3

No, those are fine, but any prank that harms another person or animal is not funny.

ugh I hate that shit so much. real douchebag alert if anyone says something like that.

I find I can get a lot of mileage when I talk to my other friends who watch with “that one dude with the face and the hair??”

GOD they’re terrible. I don’t know half of their names (I won’t for a while) but I really really like Ali—super cute, plays piano, very sweet.

I agree with you. There are many good pranks, but also many “pranksters” who don’t understand what makes a good prank.

Fair point! You know the child can’t cause a lot of harm, and it was unintended. Someone intending to harm another person (upon whom they could inflict very much harm) is not funny

Yes! That’s a good prank. A good prank is harmless and funny. If someone jumps immediately to bodily harm for their “prank” it tells me they don’t have a good grasp on comedy and never got past America’s Funniest Home Videos and the dad getting hit in the nuts with a baseball bat.

the only prahnks I will tolerate

I really hope it’s staged. Either way, this is something he finds funny, and it’s really, really not. Even if he didn’t actually do it, it’s pretty sick.

This guy seems like a real fucking tool. I hope she dumped his ass.

UGH. Pranks that are either physically or emotionally hurtful are NEVER FUNNY. What the fuck is wrong with these people.

Always be Emma Thompson