
Surely you can't be serious?

It puts the comment on the AV Club, or it gets the hose again!

Why pour blue milk from one container to another, slightly smaller container?

No, it was dumb.
Cool-ish, maybe? But dumb.


Perhaps he's one of the evil clones from "House of Cosbys"?

This echoes my experience as well.
As a kid, Cosby's comedy records were great.
As a teen the Cosby show was watchable.
As a young man Cosby was occasionally quotable in the right context, laughable when mocking "puddin' pops", moderatly nostalgic.
Now he's a monster, and I didn't really want to think about it, but, damn.


Are you, like, making movies with your eyes open or are you using the Force and shit?

Another good combo, yes. I often put that on Shadow, for genre considerations. What I like about Gem Box + Economizer is the quick spell. Once it's your turn, it's pretty much always your turn. Or vanish + X-zone as a single action.

That's… that's just stupid. I wish they'd give Bond some realistic tech one of these times, like a gun that shoots squid ink backwards into the shooters face if he has the wrong DNA on his fingerprints.


I always just used a phoenix down on the train, but yes that is awesome.

It gets my #1 nostalgia vote, for reals. I've played it more than any other game, perhaps barring skyrim.

Or when you find out that your older brother is a part of a demon cabal using the church's influence over noble's influence over peasants to distract everyone from recognizing that the demons are resurrecting the devil on earth, and when you stop him, the church makes you out to be a villain, and makes your most

Or when you find out that your older brother is a part of a demon cabal using the church's influence over noble's influence over peasants to distract everyone from recognizing that the demons are resurrecting the devil on earth, and when you stop him, the church makes you out to be a villain, and makes your most

Or when that womanizing prince was also a Ninja!

Like when you give the crown from the bottom of the marsh cave to the impostor king and reveal him to be a dark elf who you defeat and collect the missing crystal ball which you give to the witch to give her back her eye sight so that she gives you the healing herb that you take to the sleeping prince of elf-land to

Lucca/ Robo OTP.

Yes, occasionally you try to chain Zell's combos together while everyone else draws spells for the length of a battle.