meeting people is easy

None. In fact it’s going to put a YUGE stress on the Secret Service. West wing addressed this in detail with President Elect Santos.

These aren’t your normal domesticated house dog. These are sled dogs.......google how sled dogs act when they are not chained up.....then re-check your comment.

I vacillate between the two. Pence scares the ever living hell out of me for the reasons you mentioned. However, Trump is so fucking insular and narrow minded that he’s refusing to hire anyone who hasn’t been “loyal” to him. As a consequence, he’s alienated everyone in Washington with actual experience. My best case

If you refer to a black person as an “ape” there is no way in HELL you are not being racist. I’m sorry. This is not a case of “you misread my comment thooo.” It’s blatant racism.


which is remarkably funny, because melania totally aped the first lady’s speech, in heels.

you know what i will miss most about obama?

Fuuuuuuuucked. We are so fucked.

These memes, as they’ve been popping up my various feeds, are seriously the only things to make me smile this week. Every time I see a nasty comment telling us to shut up and stop our whining, complaining about our sour grapes, and making so many of us feel unwelcome in our own land, I look at these again. I can’t

Spot on!!! As someone who grew up in the suburbs, moved the city and moved back to the burbs... I can confirm all suburban white women base their vote on religion or whatever their husbands think.

Agreed. And the fact that the woman from this post caught them doing something as simple as walking their dog together also says a lot about how bullshit the narrative is that Bill and Hillary are only together for career reasons. These are real people, in a real marriage. It may have its problems, but so do the

Oh my god that is the sweetest thing ever. I love your grandpa, and wish I had that in my life. Everyone should have that in their life.

Well Bill Maher brought up a great point days leading up to the election. People are numb to the partisan political rhetoric.

Two words: uneducated whites. Emphasis on uneducated, and whites.

And now I’m crying. Please tell your grandpa I wish he was mine, and give him a gentle smooch from me.

I’m already 12 people lighter and that includes the “can’t we just be friends” people. Nope. Fuck them. Blocked. Blocked. Balockt

oh my god, i am crying at work. This is so sad and this is an incredibly brave and gracious way for her to concede.

I felt such incredible pride watching her concede—never have I admired her more than her confronting the greatest wall of adversity any of us has ever faced in public life. She was truly presidential through each oncoming wave of adversity and malice, starting 18 months ago. She WAS the president during her speech,

This won’t be the only “promise” he will backtrack on. He won’t give his supporters even half of what he campaigned on because it’s not feasible.

Sure, right about when he releases his tax returns!