
not quite . Compared with Black men, Black women are highly educated (more than women of other groups, COMPARED to the men in those groups). But compared with White (and some Asian) women, Black women have fewer degrees, on average, because of structural racism.

Guys adding stuff to a pre existing movement does nothing but fade it away . We need to focus on one thing get to that goal then work on the next . 

i think the point is that as a samurai you actually have to manually look around to see who is attacking you . if there was a lock on mode it would just make it easier. they probably should have made it an option though on the easier settings 

what should the reaction to the legitimate rioting going on ? should the cops just wait until theyre done with the destruction they cause and then investigate or should the police have the right to intervene if and only when they see protests turn violent ? i’m all for the protests but i think we can all agree (i hope

Did you have staff working for you round the clock? 

uhhh kinda hard to hide domestic violence when you have staff in your house working round the clock 

ive seen comments like yours but i cant really imagine what more you can possibly want from open world games , what more can they do with them ? 

no we’re actually not rich enough to do both . you either havent done the math or youre overestimating how much money we have .

other ethnic groups descendants werent paid , we’re talking about paying descendants and comparing that to a time we paid people directly affected . The people youre talking about werent even paid that much.

So how much you think each individual check should be? 

sounds like its geared towards minorities in general and not black people specifically 

Translation : “i was on amber heards side at first and now see more and more information and eveidence against her than him and my mind cant accept that maybe she was the abuser so ‘something still doesn’t add up, no matter how many witnesses come forward to contest this or that. I feel like he and Heard just brought

So what part of that was sexist? was it just the fact that it was targeted towards a woman? or is it the word cunt? 

ehh what good is freedom of speech if the public denies you that right ? idk i’m on both side of the issue . sure its great that assholes are silenced but the issue is the very possible slippery slope that can happen where the speech that is being silenced by popular opinion is one you and i would agree with . 

once again jezebel is conflating its effectiveness with its existence.

just so you know , people that live in Rome are Italian not Roman....

it accomplishes more than what ever the hell you’re proposing. What exactly does recognizing the “ok” symbol as being a white supremacist symbol in all situation no matter the context do ?

It does accomplish something. You just called a racist out , which is the goal . Not paint a broad brush on all people that use it . You can't forget that most people aren't on the internet like us . Most people still see it as the ok symbol 

You’re assuming most people outside of your bubble even know it to be anything other than OK symbol