Ben Dover

We do have air conditioning here. Doesn’t strike me as an outdoor cat.

My wife is from Puerto Rico, and as I recall she would use "crudo" to refer to being hung over.

No mention of Anthony Weiner?” Mr huma Abedin?

They have a website?

Never mind all that. The ESPN reporter's last name is actually Merkin?


Posted to Tom Ley (bear guy)

Don’t you typically adhere to the idea that things like all-star games, national conventions, etc. are a losing proposition for the host city? If that’s the case, isn’t the NBA in effect doing the city of Charlotte a favor?

"That’s the slick parenting move. Instead of forbidding a kid from alcohol, you let them try it, pretending you’re being all permissive and French, while secretly knowing they won’t like it anyway." My dad let me have a sip of his beer when I was like 5 or 6 and I thought it tasted terrible and didn't try one again

+1 for making his Google username “fap”

“We need a pizza guillotine, with a 14” blade that BEHEADS each slice, making the pizza easier to separate”

Bull Lives Matter

Does a bear take a lid in the woods? Is the Pope Catholic?

“...and it might even be worse than the Marlins sticking Miami with the tab for their new dump”

Ryan Howard’s difficult season took an ugly turn Saturday afternoon when a fan threw a beer bottle at the Phillies first baseman after the team’s 6-3 loss to Milwaukee.

“Imagine someone wearing this”

“...it’s horrible to sit there and watch a scoreless extra inning, or watch the visiting team slap in a run in the top of the 12th and then have the home team go three up/three down to bow out meekly.”

Where can I go for non-stop Trump-bashing and Hillary-fawning? Oh yeah, pretty much anywhere...

Her dad felt safe letting her go with this young man.

“...the prospect of winning two in a row isn’t nearly as daunting as three seemed.”