
Barq’s hits the sweet spot for me. Enough of that weird root flavor to be distinct without tasting too minty, not too much sugar to make it too creamy tasting like A&W. I’d rank it just under Hansen’s. I’d also swap A&W with Mug on this list, but otherwise this is a really solid ranking.

I think your comparison to a burger is more spot on than you intended. While I’m a burger purist - just give me cheese, grilled onions, pickles - a proper burger with a lot of toppings accentuates the quality of the meat. A good chicago hot dog has that “snap” to it that you like, and the toppings accentuate that,

Reese’s Fast Break is a) superior to the cups, and b) superior frozen.

It’s pretty good and very filling. You definitely need to go a little heavy on some sort of condiment to break up the starch overload between potato and bun. I’m a Chicagoan who couldn’t bear to put ketchup on a hot dog but that’s usually what my wife does, along with cheese. 

You said this far better than I could. The McDonald’s Cheeseburger is a huge nostalgia blast for me - something about the sweetness of the bread, the too-thin patty, and the diced onions is extremely comforting on like, a Freudian level. It is the platonic ideal of fast food - still cheap, not too complicated, not too

Common in China, too. No toppings, just meat on a stick. 

the M+c dog sounds like something my wife would like. Chili mac is good, and chili dogs are good...it all tracks. It just seems extremely filling and very carb heavy, but I’m not eating a hot dog to be healthy.

Frisky Dingo almost got a follow-up with the extremely short-lived (and frankly, not very good) Xtacles show which got 2 episodes and then promptly cancelled. It totally glosses over the cliffhanger ending of Frisky Dingo’s conclusion.I used to want a conclusion but the more I think about it the more I think that the

Dunkin and McDonalds both do this, don’t they? 

I also had trouble with the bounce pads but otherwise didn’t find Fungal Wastes to be miserable, until I had to go BACK for completion and had to do MORE bounce pads. Ugh. Fully agree with you there.

Thank you! I’ll give it a shot. I have been there before but I always go back to the hui guo ro! 

When I lived there I was taught “See-shwan”, rhymes with swan 

I lived in chongqing for a year right out of college and basically lived off of the real version of this. and also chao shou. and snickers bars, oddly. sadly, life in america (and living with my spice-hating wife) has ruined my spice tolerance, so this might be just what the doctor ordered.

I’ve lived in Chicago most of my life and also call them palmiers, but I’ve never seen one in a Chinese restaurant, and I’ve never seen one in China, where I lived for a year. 

Subway is basically the only fast food option near my work so I get it more regularly than I’d like. I fully agree with article’s position that most of these are pretty lame...but I will admit that the italian one (just salami and mozzarella and whatever toppings you want - I suggest regular oil/vinegar instead of

When my dog was surrendered to the shelter, he was named Rocco - but the shelter already had a Rocco, so he was renamed Twix (he was only a few months old at the time). When I adopted him, I had a whole list of possible dog names to try out. I was excited to finally name a dog; I’d only adopted older dogs before who

It’s somewhat ironic that you mention SWTOR as your “not-so-dnd-inspired” example, since its predecessors, Kotor 1+2, literally use the d20 system developed for dnd’s 3rd edition. You can actually look at the log of dice rolls if you go into one of the menus, and the stats are named exactly the same thing

Made this yesterday - it doesn’t because you’re basting it 

Not nearly as horrifying as some of the other nightmares in this thread, but: one roommate in college was into bodybuilding and did some weird dietary stuff to bulk up / cut down. For a while he was on a weird “one-meal a day” plan, where he would fast most of the day and consume this massive feast at like 9 pm. This

I am very jealous you guys still have McWraps. If I remember right, the only reason they ditched them in America is because they increased waiting time at drive up windows by some absurd percentage.