Farm or ranch raised venison was becoming the norm but with the locavore movement lots of restaurants are starting to buy from hunters again so I wouldn’t risk it.
Farm or ranch raised venison was becoming the norm but with the locavore movement lots of restaurants are starting to buy from hunters again so I wouldn’t risk it.
Your relatives are right.Wild meat has to be fully cooked to be safe, the same goes for all meat really but it's not as much of risk for animals who have been monotored their entire lives on a farm or ranch.The only thing you've been denied is painful gastrointestinal problems if something goes wrong.Every year…
I would guess it numbers in the thousands every year.When you think of all the artists with drug and drinking problems, what are they trying so hard to forget?
I'd keep my eye on that trainee gamekeeper now that he has birds to blame his thefts on.
Latest news is that confronted by police that her car had been spotted where the baby was left, mom admitted to just putting the baby out.Even before that though,I thought “asshole parent” because only one of that breed would think “hey,I’m deserting a helpless human being but I left a diaper bag so we’re cool,right?”
My bet? He got scared by a dog and left it. A dog came out of nowhere barking at me on a bike path, I jumped to the side my shoe was wrenched off, instead of putting it back on I threw it hard at the dog and ran. When I got home there was no way I was admitting a teacup dog terrorized me.
You seem to be saying being adorable enough to be chosen didn't require any effort at all.Think of all the surly, entitled babies she saw before noticing the one with his own convertible basket-vessel.
Never said this opinion only applied to mothers,it just happens to be a mom in this case.I think if your choice of co-parent is an ass this early in your kid’s life you took this whole parenting business too lightly.
Mmm.Now that's a recipe that should be carved in stone.
I'll raise my glass as well. Facebook update is that mom has confessed and CPS is keeping the baby safe. I wish that child nothing but a life in the land of milk and honey from now on.
Seems like it should be allowed.I mean if anyone knows how to stick out their thumb and get a free ride it's babies.They act like the world revolves around them.
See, I'd have a problem with the mom's parenting abilities even if it was the dad who "forgot" this baby.That child is 3 months old- she was conceived just a year ago; does this sound like mom picked a great co-parent?
It just feels like we're plagued with stories about begetters who can't keep an eye on the kids they begat. If only we could passover a week without one.
Thre days sounds like too little time but then again you've had 9 months before that and you can still give your baby up to social services at any other point.
True but if the deadline is gone you can still just call social services and give up your baby.Sure they'll know your name but anything would be better than leaving a child in harm's way.
I know but this made me Sea Red.
Perhaps the cops are assuming abandonment because they had to look for the mom as opposed to her contacting them and not-from what the article is saying-having much of an explanation about this.
Once upon a time a story like this had the baby pull himself by the bootstraps to lead his people out of Egypt. Just sayin' wouldn't this baby be better off not having anything to do with this mom no matter what the explanation she gives for this situation?
There will probably be costs associated to the same health problems as regular smokers have but since decriminalisation will save billions I can' t see any negative aspects to this.
What I think damage awards like these do is make jerks think twice about what they're willing to risk simply to look good to their cronies.I'll bet most "bigots" are bullies using religion as an excuse for their inability to control themselves, this is the adult bully equivalent of getting expelled by the principal- a…