
A few years back, 4am at the trashiest gay club in Chicago. Like they pump in copious amounts of what we called "shame mist" so your bad decisions were harder to see, and there were no doors on the bathrooms. I am drunk as a skunk. Somebody asks my guy friend if I'm some straight girl he brought with him. I yell, "I'm

I was 8 years old when I went into my parent's bedroom one morning while my parents were still asleep and saw my Dad had a boner. I totally freaked out, woke my Mom up by dragging her out of the bed, and called 911 because I thought it was a chestburster from Aliens.

Lived in NZ throughout the Hobbit Filming. Basically saw the whole cast out and about at one time or another.

Lived in the neighborhood in Wellington where many of them stayed.

Had a nice chat about the weather with Ian McKellen. He is truly delightful. My son had many conversations with him over time; I always gave

I've read most of the stories people have posted. This is the best one hands down.

Thanks for being so honest about it. Sexual attraction is weird thing. It doesn't really align with society's conventional views of "normality" or "civility" or "progress." It's deeply biological.

I think we're all cave men/women deep

His name was Javier and I met him when I worked at the bookstore in college. He was super hot, but that's because all he cared about in the world was his body. Good for him! Good for him. But between working out and moisturizing and hair care and trimming and and and, there was...not much left. But super hot and

Now that is an above-and-beyond response. How cool that she even included a book recommendation and the mission patch. What treasures!

I wrote a letter to Robert Englund (Freddy Krueger) complimenting him for being my favorite horror movie star (I was 7 or 8. My upbringing was questionable).

My mum once wrote to the author Bill Bryson because she laughed so much at one of his books that I thought she was crying because she missed my recently deceased dad and I spent half an hour panicking about it. He sent a lovely handwritten postcard back apologizing.


My best one has to be last year, when I was in my friend Dave's wedding (not his real name). The wedding itself went fine, except for when the lights flickered in the church during the vows and everyone freaked out and the bride's grandmother wanted to start the vows over.

Excuse you? The politically correct term for our people is "half-gays", everyone* knows this.

Just gimme a Hawkeye movie based on the current comic, right?

This isn't insane, but still one of my fondest travel memories.

I still think it looks like storyboard type animation. Unfinished.

I have several, but let's start with the happy one.

My housemates have a couple of cats. They're indoor outdoor cats but they're nice enough cats. One night, I was working my way through a bottle of white wine, a joint, and a box of twinkies. (I was coming off a nasty break up, ok? Don't judge me.) I was, in a rare

Ahhh I have a skunk story. This happened a couple of years ago and it was my first encounter with a skunk ever in my life. Because of this occurrence and the two times my dogs have been sprayed by them, I loathe skunks. I think they're horrid little animals.

I was 3. An adorable 3 year old with a bucket of chips on an adventure with her loving family to the local wildlife sanctuary. Engrossed in my bucket of chips, while wandering through the free range enclosure I felt a "peck" from behind to my shoulder. Non plussed I continued on. The rest of my family had reached the

A few years back, I was doing field research in a tiny village in Guatemala. I was staying with a very friendly Mayan family, settling in very nicely, but there was one major problem: Culito the rooster. Culito had no concept of time, and was very possibly suffering from some avian neurological disorder, because he

I (a city raised kid) was out with my family on my aunt's farm when I was about 3 or 4. My mom was in the house with the other grownups and I came running into the house screaming bloody murder. The grownups are all, what the hell, and I finally manage to get out, "Mommy, a slug is chasing me!" My mother tells that