
Oh dear. I like Kristen Stewart as a person but... I’m pretty sure even she knows she’s not the actress of the decade. 

Her lawsuit fuckin’ describes a bunch of Black teachers taking collective action as “thuggish goons.” Not a racist molecule” in her body, my ass!

I saw Raising Arizona for the first time last New Year’s Eve, and shortly thereafter had my first threesome. Both were very good. Raising Arizona has a special place in my heart now.

Looking forward to giving these a try!

I got a container of Penzey’s mint hot cocoa powder as a freeby recently and it was truly delicious (though I’ll admit to gussying it up with milk, a dash of heavy cream and a few leftover Guittard chocolate chips I had in the freezer).

This is the first thing that came to mind for me. I already loved (and frankly, still love) oatmeal cream pies, so eating a giant one (and then sleeping it off inside a giant Lego brick) sounded heavenly.

Chew carefully if you want to keep your fillings, and have some good dill pickles on hand because the stuff’s relentlessly sweet and you’ll want something to balance it. My parents hosted a maple syrup candy party once when we lived in New Hampshire and those were the key takeaways!

This sounds quite similar to the problem I’m having — despite me noodling with every power setting I can find, my Acer Aspire e15 inevitably shuts down every time I close the lid, whether plugged in or no. Crossing my fingers changing the device manager settings does the trick.

Similarly obsessed with extracting my own tonsil stones. I bought a little set of tools off Amazon so I can do it more effectively. Always give 'em a few days to build up (big ones are more satisfying!) and I always have to sniff them before throwing them away (they're just so stinky). I recognize that this is very

Now playing

This shit, from a kids' videogame called Putt-Putt Travels through Time, gave me Baby's First Existential Crisis. Eternity is a lot to swallow as a 4-year-old!

Yeah there’s a fair amount of comedic gore in that one — including several impalings, too, if I recall correctly.

I met the man I’d later marry in an unofficial fencing club in college. Problem was, he made zero (0) impression on me at the time and it wasn’t til much, much later that Mr. Vulcanbookworm informed me that was actually our first meeting and I had to admit I didn’t remember him at all.

To the now-dismissed gray who responded to this with “You a tranny?”:

Further evidence that TERFs are just right-wingers in disguise... And God, the idiocy in self-proclaimed feminists joining forces with one of the most proudly patriarchal groups out there is really astounding. Goes to show they’re not really about lifting women up, they just want to keep everyone else down at whatever

This is comment of the year for me. Cry-laughing at my desk.

I’ll do you one better: lemon zest + a splash of vanilla + blueberries. (Also, rather than adding plain milk to the mix, put some lemon juice from that lemon in there and let it sit 10-15 minutes for basically instant buttermilk.) It’s the spring-est pancake I can imagine and oh-so-good.

Could I use something like apple cider (plus a bit of maple syrup) instead of straight syrup?

We don’t have ‘em a mere 90 minutes away in Fulton, though I’ll make sure to try them next time I’m in St. Louis!

Further down the sidetrack... One of my male friends once said to Mr. Vulcanbookworm, very sincere and concerned, "Sometimes it kinda feels nice when I poop. Does that mean I'm gay?"

On a grubby, beige-ish couch on my now-husband’s incredibly shitty first apartment. (And on its ancient rust-colored carpet.) The whole place was nasty: mold in the bathroom, a stink in the sink. The place was the cheapest apartment in a small college town.