
Alas, no, but if you Google my name the Bible does show up in the search results. 

Did this experience change how you feel about horses?

I had to do a similar thing but for a Bible once. (I also got to write some of the footnotes!) The publishing company actually credited all the editors, meaning this queer atheist’s name is printed in Bibles, which is surreal to me.

This one, very specific tweed jacket. It’s actually nicely tailored! It would make me look like a sexy vintage archaeologist probably! I’ll die sad about it.

Gizmodo did not agree to any kind of “on background” stipulation with YouTube beforehand, so here it is.

I’m echoing the Hobbit trilogy disappointment. My best friend Lindsay and I bonded in middle/high school over our massive love of the Lord of the Rings (both the books and the movie). We regularly marathoned the extended movies together, wrote LOTR fanfiction, made Middle Earth-themed feasts...

Excellent points! A note on no. 1: LW 1, if you want to look at it analytically through the lens of D&D, there are two main ways to get your stats: roll ‘em or use the point-buy system. If you’re rolling, the odds of building a character with high scores in every stat is infinitesimally small. If you do point-buy,

as long as it can consent and won’t like... melt my insides, OBVIOUSLY YES, Star Trek has prepared me for this 

I thought the unending fat jokes from the characters were shitty and outdated, but I would’ve been a lot more mad about them if Thor had instantly/magically shed the weight. Having him stay chunky and still be a worthy, hot badass at the end of the movie *nearly* made up for it.

Alternatives to team sports:

Now playing

Artificial lights seem to be an ongoing obsession of his — anyone else remember this weird rally moment from 2016?

Frankly, aside from how gross that is, I’d question the medical competency of any ob/gyn who made a remark like that — shows a pretty deep misunderstanding of how vaginas work! 

I’ve been wracking my brains to think up a time when I betrayed a friend else (to make up for sharing a story where the opposite happened). Here’s the closest I can think of:

Another time we decided to try to fool my mother into thinking we were horribly sunburned by painting our legs with red tempera paint... somehow Mom saw through our clever deception.

This is a story about how a friend pettily betrayed me.

I like the flavor of bugs, I understand that they’re a very carbon-footprint-friendly meat-of-the-future, but as someone whose house is just ... full of ants right now, that guac was hard to look at.

Also had a similar experience; though by that time I was having sex and I’d come around to support abortion rights. My period was almost a week late (which is very unusual for me; I’m quite regular) and I lived at home with uber-conservative parents in a state that requires a 72-hour waiting period (with the nearest

Anyone know of any in Missouri?

it’s $69 at my local Walmart, which has had an untouched display of them next to the lady’s clothing section since Christmas

Seven is awfully young for a cat, but the poor kitty was pretty clearly riddled with deformities. I’m just relieved the owners didn’t try to breed her and create a Grumpy Cat family. Rest in grouchiness, kitty.