
I gave into a post-hike craving and got a strawberry milkshake at Steak n’ Shake a couple months ago. Within minutes, my stomach was roiling; within the hour, I’d barfed up a milkshake’s worth of bright pink foam, which had apparently not mixed in at all with the rest of my stomach’s contents. My stomach was fine

Maybe y’all can help me with this — a couple of times when I’ve had pad kee mao, it’s come with rice noodles that are not only wide, but thick — they seem to be composed of many thin layers... imagine a noodle-ified rice phyllo dough. They’re fabulous, and I’ve had no luck whatsoever googling what they’re called.

I should’ve scrolled down before commenting -- just pointed out the same thing separately. Boosting your comment!

I’ve heard The Mister is pretty much a point-for-point rip-off of Poldark (which I haven’t read, but the similarities I’ve seen pointed out are rather striking). Given that FSOG started life as a Twilight fanfic, this surprises me not at all... 

Oh God this has me gagging — so many layers of sliminess, mixed with the chewy-stringiness of poorly cooked collards... Hurk!

Just thinking about this topic and trying to dredge up specific memories gave me a wonderful nostalgic warmth, so thank you for that — I love a road trip, and the meals are often the the best part.

I was about to leave a sarcastic comment about how I bet the exported-to-China version would change the pronouns; glad I saw your comment first. Huh!

Here are my cats, Watson and Mulder... They’ve lived together for a year but recently they’ve started actually cuddling and grooming each other, instead of just squabbling all the time. 

The sense of growing dread I felt while reading through this article was a voyage in itself. Wow.

Oh man, a good pork tenderloin is heaven on a bun. At its best, it’s a thin layer of gloriously tender pork, enrobed in salty, crunchy breading, sticking out way beyond the edges of the bread in a golden halo. Almost doesn’t even need fixins, though I favor some fresh tomatoes and a bit of onion. Worth seeking out!

The one time I’ve gotten a UTI (knock on wood) was in college, shortly after becoming sexually active. I was peeing raspberry lemonade, basically, and in burning agony. I actually knew about the “pee after sex” rule already, thanks to an openminded roommate, but I’d skipped it ONE TIME and oy, the consequences. Was so

What a truly bizarre situation. Thank you for doing your research and not getting suckered — as delightful a headline as it would’ve made.

Beesus Christ is risen today. (Ha-a-a-a-a-le-luuu-jah!)

Some way to marry the cel shading perfection from Into the Spider-Verse with the Mouse Guard art style, perhaps.

I think “Don’t respond to someone’s honest and minor mistake in a way that makes their life more difficult/is intended to shame them” is a good rule of thumb for being a decent person. One can sum it (and many others) up as “don’t be a dick.”

I love that stuff! If you get a chance to snap a pick and post it here, please do! My current fave is a 200-page lawsuit/manifesto combo, which I found through a petition forwarded to me. The lawsuit claims this pair of twin brothers has been held at a mental health facility for six years despite being completely

Yep, I’m pretty much on the same page! I love me a Key Lime Noosa with some good granola mixed in — comes out tasting miraculously like key lime pie — but I suppose it really is more of a dessert-for-breakfast option.

I’m more concerned with the bed of completely unseasoned potato cubes the (also unseasoned) chicken’s being baked over. WTF??

This book is going to be such a stressful and frustrating read... and I’m so ready for it. Way to go! :) 

The trick is to heat your maple syrup first, like you’re making candy; pouring it on the cold show kinda shocks it into a caramel-like consistency.