
Yessss. I’m also going to endorse peanut butter/maple butter sandwiches here. ohhohoman.

Oh lord, I’ve gotta find me a Zagnut!

These make a great trail snack, IMO. Probably no less healthy for you than most granola bars (is what I tell myself), and the peanuts make ‘em filling and help carry you through the sugar crash. And letting them get warm and soft in your backpack only improves the flavor. Mmmm!

They taste like what Laffy Taffy wishes it was, in the best way possible.

Yeah, it sucks, because of course outdoor recreation and hiking are things I’d like to be able to encourage and promote. There just seems to be a lack of understanding about acceptable outdoor etiquette in America. I was lucky enough to visit Switzerland a few years back, where it seems like everyone hikes, and the

Ooo!!! That looks delectable — but tricky to cut, I imagine.

I first visited there as an adult and it genuinely made me feel like a kid again. The sense of discovery and exploration and even mild peril there is just magical. 

Pig skin is waaaaay too similar to human skin for my tastes. Brrr.

I remember custodians in school using some kind of highly scented cat litter... The smell of that plus vomit was always, always worse than the vomit alone. I can smell it even now if I think too hard about it.

I remember them being mentioned in Beverly Cleary books... or, more specifically, I remember being a child reading a Ramona story and being baffled about what the heck a zwieback was.

Do you have a picture of that towering, gorgeous confection? 

I’ve eaten Red Vines exactly once, many years ago, and in my memory they had a taste and texture remarkably similar to Play Dough. Bleurgh.

1000x yes. Mr. Vulcanbookworm and I actually have separate twin mattresses, pushed right up next to each other. He tends to twitch in his sleep (an earthquake if you’re on the same mattress) and prefers very heavy blankets, and this just works better for us. We’ve got a strap that winches around and keeps the two

My jaw’s tired just from reading this. 

I came in here expecting to aggressively disagree but... Yeah, you’re pretty much right. (I do think Twizzlers are better than Red Vines, but in my heart of hearts I know they’re not... Good. Especially when stale, which they usually are.)

I think it’s because they’re things you:

Jennings, I think you’ve truly found your niche in investigating quacks — from Teal Swan to this guy. This was a fascinating read, and I’m seriously impressed by your thoroughness and willingness to confront Sendler with his inconsistencies and lies. Well frickin’ done.

My work's generic email address receives these pretty often. The overblown villainous language is always good for a laugh. 

Most recently: While Daredevil managed to avoid the “sleeping with sources” trope with Karen Page, she’s still depicted as emotionally unstable, amoral, willing to cut corners in her reporting and ignore her conflicts of interest, and unwilling to listen to her editor.

Well, I teared up just reading this review, so I’m probably going to have to watch this while clutching my own cats and openly sobbing. Thanks for the Friday-night catharsis (pun intended) fodder!