
@FixXxer0720: Just to point out, even if being gold tipped and nitrogen infused made a huge difference in either quality (of a digital cable) or lifespan, you could buy 75 of the $2 cables. With a hypothetical year lifespan, you'd be long dead before you even came close to breaking even.

@mwtort: and thank god that the police never make false arrests, intimidate citizenry, lie, steal or use their authority in unscrupulous ways.

@tetracycloide: ah, that's right, I forgot about Izzy. That plan definitely rings a bell.

@tetracycloide: Great summary, but I would add that the lore says the 3 Prime Evils masterminded the civil war in Hell so they could get kicked out. I don't know that it explains specifically why, but corruption of the human world is probably a good start.

@Relysis: the argument I've always heard was the higher amount of mercury in CFLs vs incandesants was more than made up for by the lack of coal needing to be burned to power the two lights (and the environmental effects of burning said coal, including releasing mercury, sulphur and other toxins into the atmosphere). I

@comicbookguy: Thanks, I plan on picking it up at some point in the indefinite future, it's just hard for me to want to get involved in an ongoing story.

@Allan 'Blades' Jones: I prefer to think that when I buy a car, everyone else realizes how awesome it is and decides to get one right after I do.

@comicbookguy: And for me where the suspension of disbelief comes in is that as cops, Shane and Rick should be asking these questions, unless they're just really crappy cops.

@comicbookguy: sorry, I just scanned through your post after you asked what good does it do knowing what the zombies are.

so... something that's invisible, immeasurable, and otherwise undetectable may not actually exist. Hm, go figure.

I think the next point in this is that since the car is alive, it wouldn't ever need repairs or tuneups, it would just be constantly healing, like we do. (seriously though, whatever happened to that self-healing paint??)

@Mira Mi Huevo!!!: What's interesting (to me at least) is that business is driving the government towards Big Brother, rather than powerseeking itself. That's the main difference between Orwell and reality. In, the 1984 world, the government had power for power's sake (or ultimate security/protection if you look at it

@Raidah: Mama won't let anyone dirty get through

@mordicai: I rather think shooting spider silk from ones nipples should be saved for the Spider-Woman movie!

@Msj2705: the experiment is about reproducing what the universe was like millionths of seconds after the big bang. the physical laws were simply different, so we're studying those. the particles that existed were different so we're trying to create and study those. your 2+2=4 analgy should really be more like x ? y=42

@PaddyDugan: last I heard the Iraq war cost $1,000,000,000 (a billion) per day. None of that was actually budgeted until 2008.

@Slinkytech: I wouldn't agree that the judges' personal experience is relevant. They wouldn't need to play Alan Wake to call a game art any more than they'd have to see Citizen Cane to make the same call.

good god these people are annoying

Yeah! get out and vote... even though it's far too late to register...