
@pevans34: I'm pretty sure that's the deficit, not the national debt. The huge jump between '08 and '09 is largely due to the Democratic White House adding the Iraq/Afghanistan wars into the budget, instead of begging Congress for 90billion dollars every few months like Bush did.

@seriousam7: that looks like the deficit, not the debt. The main thing about the deficit is Bush never had the Afghanistan and Iraq wars in the budget. When Obama took office, they started adding all that in. So the graphics all look like Obama killed the deficit, but in reality Bush never accounted for them properly

@SatansBestBuddy: You make a fine point, but understand that art has /always/ been disturbing, disgusting, violent and lustful. It's easy to say that game violence has no "point" but that misses the point of art. It's supposed to be shocking, it's supposed to provoke a response. You may get so called schlock, sure,

@lladnar: advantage to the company, not to the consumer. Don't get me wrong, I love my xbox and I can't wait till I can get a win7 phone, but letting phone manufacturers handle the hardware is the right move. At least until the ZuneHD phone comes along. =)

@lladnar: I meant the RRoD fiasco.

@coding_hero: @Canoehead: any IT dept that would okay a device without testing it is foolish. The expectation would be that a microsoft phone should mesh perfectly with a microsoft mail server, but you still gotta test it.

@Hypnic Jerk: Agreed, but you have to consider they wrote it pretty much from nothing, I think the kernel is CE6.5 or something but everything else is new. While they were writing it their marketshare was going down the toilet. To wait too much longer would have meant basically starting from scratch as far as the

@demographic: soooo.. they should have quit after the first xbox... they should have quit after Win1.0 or WinME... they should have quit after Excel 1.0? All those had competitors that were better at the time. Now "M$" has the lead on all those fronts, and they're damn good products.

@1Opinion: aw, and I was really pleased with my idea. I've never seen/read/been interested in that left behind junk. It just struck me as a decent solution on both undead zombies and feral (if mortal) humans. If rapture by god is unpallatable (it did feel a bit awkward to me, but that's me) why not rapture by aliens?

@SupaChupacabra: that's actually really good as a plot device, using the rapture, where yes the good people are ascended to heaven, but only their souls. Their bodies are left on earth and continue to operate as pure animal instinct (if you want to keep it purely man vs. nature) or the soulless bodies become possessed

@daftrok: You're far more likely to die in your car than an airplane. Plane hijackings exist, but are incredibly rare. There are more school shootings than terrorist attacks on airplanes.

@ieatbabies: I disagree, this isn't about the pilot at all. This is about the TSA organization (or the government if you prefer) deciding we all need to be scanned and/or frisked for our own safety. That is no different than concert organizers, or restauranteurs, or apartment managers deciding the same thing.

@daftrok: read the article again, he refused the AIT back scatter machine, it had nothing to do with taking off his shoes.

@Dickeydoo: If you hadn't said it, they wouldn't need to follow you around. That'll learn ya.

@ieatbabies: a pilot doesn't need a bomb to crash a plane.

@therealmusashi: air marshalls, licensed concealed carry for passeners and/or pilots (I hear the licensing is pretty brutal), training on suspicious behavior, maintaining and enforcing no-fly lists, making sure no-fly lists are current and correct, cooperation and communication between national and international law

While I applaud the pilot for standing up for himself, it's sad that he only seemed to care when it affected him. He was happy to let his passengers and everyone else get scanned, frisked, and otherwise humiliated, but as soon as it was his turn, suddenly, civil liberties were being violated.

@madbassman39: Nope, they told him to take off his shoes for the AIT scanner, I guess that's the evil sub-millimeter scanner that can see you naked. When he refused that, they decided he'd rather be gro— I mean frisked, which he also declined.

Lets see...