Volt the Robot

404!!!!!! uhhhh...what happened to the website?

The cheat...is GROUNDED.

Somebody get this freaking duck away from me!


I see Bill Nighy on the street sometimes, and I take lots of pics looking all terrified as if hes following me. He has NO idea. Been doing it for some time. the guy ALWAYS wears the same shirt...

Ford built a Ford host and that’s who took the bullet to the noggin.

Now playing

Hope they make it durable enough to be used outside. Check out this Mouse Droid I came across at the World’s Maker Faire last month:

It was hot, the night we burned chrome...

Kurt: Oh noooo, is my mouth EXPLODING!?!?

I wouldn't mind a Pandora VR experience (at home). It WAS all pretty and 'glow-y". would be nice to wander around that world...

REALLY enjoyed the Borg Experience at Vegas. Running away from them as our escorts were pulled up through the ceiling and down through the vents was so much fun!

Everyone who “one stars” this item should have their internet access immediately revoked. Or should be allowed to join Amazon’s “SuperPrimeAwesome Club” for 500 bucks a year. And these people vote, drive cars, and walk around outside. I'm glad I'm a robot.

It works well. My Makers put it around the windowpanes and it's held up and held out water(for 4 years) YMMV, but they seem very happy with their decision to use the stuff.

Now playing

How do you think I rate on the “creepy” scale? I have eyes, but no mouth...

Yeah, that part is SO much fun! :)

He’s this generation’s Charlie Brown.

Thank you so much for the “junkyard” description, I never was able to put it into words, the overwhelming “meh” I felt when I first saw the live action TFs...

Thanks for this enjoyable piece. We have gone on several cruises, and they’ve been great, for the most part.

I didn't watch the movie yet, but I am already certain you are correct. Not a fan of the 'live action' movies at ALL.