they should change his name to cole cassidy
they should change his name to cole cassidy
i think it is absolute bullshit that i can’t set the game to an easier difficulty.
boy you dumber than hell.
you’re right.
good on them. i’d hate to see them waste their time.
that dude turbotastic is kind of a fuckwad
bad boys was awesome.
it’s Halloween, get over yourself.
if you or 4D Pocket enjoyed the LoTR movies, both of you should run naked backwards through a field of dicks.
there are some “we must preserve games” fuckboys on here right now who must be having a stroke trying to reconcile this. lol. you never seen a more wishy washy comment section than this one.
y’all fags cry over anything
so ford is obliged to keep selling the model t?
creators and publishers are allowed to control what they sell and when they sell it.
if we’re gonna drag Cannibal Corpse, we need to drag every horror movie ever made.
nobody has a problem subscribing to TV and streaming services, but ask players to put money where their mouth is and they turn into a bunch of fucking victims all of a sudden.
NAMESLESSxSILENT could have done a gig job to cover these costs with just a bit more effort than what she has put into her whining here.
if you don’t like it, just don’t buy it, then?
hard to have a track record before you start.
because it’s one of the few posts you will see on this site that isn’t some bullshit being spewed from the foaming mouth of some libtard cock sleeve.
idiot. lol