
it’s just not for you, apparently.  same reason i can’t wrap my head around my little pony.

click the links, fucking morons.

click the links, fucking morons.

tech badge? really? lol.  it’s a fuckin sticker dude.

tech badge? really? lol.  it’s a fuckin sticker dude.

you aren’t owed anything. you bought a game for a console and received said game for that console.

you aren’t owed anything. you bought a game for a console and received said game for that console.

inb4: but it’s not the single player DLC exactly how I wanted it, so I’m going to throw a bitch fit on the internet about it.

stupid gullible people should not be coddled. weakness, when it is within full control of the person saddled with it, should be purged from society by any reasonable and merciful means available.

there’s a difference between the mentally ill grasping at straws for something to help make them feel better, and the dumb

yeah, sure buddy. the monetization scheme is what turns you off, and not the work and effort and time it takes away from everything else in your life?


i think your take is accurate.  same with chaos.  if there were other games out there at launch everyone would not give a fuck. or a shit.

the hate boner is no different than the love boners. this game looks fucking stupid, and the theme song or whatever is god damned annoying.

idiggory smacked you the fuck down with a branch he cut off his decision tree.  blam, to the nugbone.  lol got SMACKED son.

splitting games into ranks is fucking retarded.

I guarantee I have more anxiety coursing through me when I go to pay my bills than you do when looking at holes in objects.

What’s the donation that would compel her to star in an episode of Blacked, though?

the only problem I see is your inability to exert control over yourself.

methinks the people who hate paid DLC are short sighted cry baby fucks.

imagine my surprise when I realized there was a kotaku article where the comments were full of disappointed gamers griping and bitching about something.

so weird that they call it gambling when it’s not.

too bad the voice acting in Dust makes me want to destroy my ears with an ice pick.  otherwise it was fun.
