

Great post

I’m sorry you are scared of trans people. :(


And OJ got paroled. Coincidence?

Yes. Not too thrilled with this season so far.

Roy Dotrice is amazing. It’s a great listen. Another good series if you’re interested is the Black Company. Very good on audio, especially the mark vietor ones.

God, I love Roy Dotrice reading those books.

Yah mon. There are services that will pick it up. As for real american cash money I do not know, but doubt it. I suspect you might have to pay them in some places.

Five of the sixty observers recorded it successfully. Same star for all of them.

Get out of here with that nonsense

Wouldn’t you say that the NBA has already surpassed the NFL globally? The NFL is going to be slow to die in the US, but I also think the NBA will eventually surpass it here too

So, in essence the fox is now going to help construct and monitor the henhouse. Sounds like a great plan.

Just the NBA?

I am very happy for her. This chick can fucking dance and rock... Love watching lcd perform

I hear you. Maybe I missed them, but I can’t recall reading bad things about Lyft or typical cabs, but once a week there seems to be an assault or something involving Uber. Just stay safe out there...!

Why anyone uses that rape mobile service is beyond me.

Cut that shit out. Not funny.

Very interesting post.

This is who and what a majority of white women voted for. They saw who Trump was and would be and preferred a sexual predator who hates them over another woman. Hmmmm.