
“The great news is, Congress is not going to be the Grinch,”

No, instead Congress is going to be that one boss you had that gave out $25 Amazon gift cards instead of actual bonuses at Christmas, with a big smile on his face, saying he really appreciates all your hard work.

As much as I like some free money my family and nearly everyone I know kept thier jobs and saved money by working from home.

The OP is simply expressing their opinion that twitter carries some of the blame for what has happened as a result of Trump’s words. Everyone knows why they haven’t banned him - there’s no reason to point it out in response to such a comment. And the fact that they’ve continued to give him a platform because it is in

Nothing you said negates the OP’s point.

Confirming humanity has well and truly run it’s course, so long and thanks for all the fish... 

Too little too late.

Twitter needs to ban his ass the second this dangerous man baby has been dragged out of office by the secret service. I seriously never want to hear about or read another thing this piece of shit has to say on Twitter or any other platform again after January 20.

Your naming system lacks honor.

Guardians of the ... North America?

I guess “pork barrel, military-industrial complex horseshit participants” is a bit wordy.

Is it just me, or does Guardians of Heritage & Culture feel a little right-y militia?

Can Biden get rid of this nonsense? Can he just be like nah this is fucking dumb Space Force is canceled?


Yeah, and if I wanted to, I could have saved the money I spent on a Mac to buy all the components individually and assemble my own computer.

what are you talking about that expensive smart bed totally cured her back.

That's fine for a consumer Amazon review, but this is a gadget blog. It's a fair criticism for a Giz article. 

This reviewer always talks in hyperboles and appears to only like “luxury” brands and never faults them for anything. Hard pass and can’t take any review from her seriously cause of it. 

It should be entertaining to hear some of the folks who planned this mass die-off explain how they’re still against terminating a pregnancy when the life of the mother is in danger.

December 9, 2020 - ??? NEVER FORGET!