
1,250 CC is 1.25 liters. Not 2.

This isn’t eve close, let alone tantamount, to yelling or pain. Plants have no central nervous system. Stop opinionating your journalism by trying to anthropomorphize them.

I agree. Next stop is the Butlerian Jihad.

ah it’s near Austin. Interesting.

You can’t get any more American hypocrite NIMBY than these people. However, Bastrop County was only 56% Trump in 2020 so I guess maybe there could be some sane people who just happened to be born there.

user name checks out

If the party in control of the city is constant but the murder rate is not, there is no correlation.

The quality of music on vinyl is vastly inferior and they are mostly bought as status symbols/collectors items. Having grown up when vinyl was the principal medium for music, I would never listen to anything I cared about on it again.

Vinyl records are experiencing a renaissance among music lovers.”

The irony is I keep seeing the word “lame” in headlines on this blog

The smoke is more real than the money, so I guess that’s an improvement!

If you are going to argue that America is not “actual” capitalist I’m going to laugh in your face until the sun burns out.

It may be state capitalism but it’s certainly not faux - I mean we are talking about a bank, here.

I love it when people who have little shit companies call themselves CEO and then whine that they need other people’s money to operate said company.

You have physical evidence of dark matter? Your Nobel prize awaits.

In any other context, undetectable stuff is considered woo. 

literally literally literally ginormous

Well, I’d rather read blog writers with different takes than AutoPravda (although I guess calling it “Jalopnik” could raise certain expectations). And your last sentence seems to describe the prevailing business model for just about anything online these days. I don’t see any irony at all. *shrug*

If the fire is close and long enough to heat up your nose post, you have bigger problems than a gd hot nose stud.

Holy crap! Think of all the children you saved revealing the insidious Jalopnik plot to expose people to multiple points of view - they even disguised it by using different bylines. The mere idea that a publication doesn’t push any one agenda is borderline seditious in the 21st century. Bravo!