
City Nerd - Anyone who puts Cleveland in a good Top 10 list is alright in my book. If you watch one, you almost certainly will be suggested the other by the YT ‘rithm. Both are outstanding channels.

THAT IS NOT WHAT “LITERALLY” MEANS. Mandalorians don’t even celebrate Easter and I bet they don’t even have chickens. There are NO EGGS in this scene.

When Luxshare and Pegatron unite to form the TOTALLY UNPRONOUNCABLE Luxcaseict, millions of spell-checkers across the galaxy cry out in terror and are suddenly silenced.

Isn’t that how actual human artists today operate as well? Artists are not infants. Everyone has influences.

Again, I’M discussing the words YOU typed. Hence the quote from YOUR comment and not the article. So go ahead and sit and spin on the 4th grade dickshunary cut-n-paste.

Neither are typos, broh.

so I’m sure they’ll be reparations sought for its repair as well.”

increasing the friction will alter interactions with all the other things it comes in contact with (air, floor, glass, rim, etc) and probably not in a good way

In that video it also appears the pitcher is not accelerating (despite being labelled so) because the beads are equidistant.

Good god you humans had better leave this shiat alone. You have no idea how fast and how badly this thing is going to go sideways.

Right, because everyone speaks the same and that would never, ever be a way that some might have doors opened and others closed. Everyone knows network news anchors are routinely hired from the Deep South! Silly baseline!

She’s more Karen than Rosanne now, twisted and evil. 

Is this the same person I saw on Michael Moore’s roadshow campaigning for John Kerry (D-MA) - or against W at least - in 2004? I’m so confused. What made her go off the deep end? Just getting old and bitter?

Does that beat dad being figuratively Will Smith?

That didn’t open any doors for me, buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut it did mean I grew up in a household where engineering was a topic at the dinner table, and where I was surrounded by things to tinker with (my father built our first home computer in 1979).”

Kids without editors is the status quo of 21st century “journalism”

80's aficionado Phil Collins”

As an Ohioan who did not vote for this guy i can say he comes from a longish line of Republican governators who are old-school corrupt conservatives and not the of new ilk of bugfark cray cray we’ve had on the national stage and other states. He cruised to re-election most likely on his very unTrumpy handling of

230,000 years later

That Apple ad was prolefeed and everyone has been falling over themselves to slobber on this commercial since.