
Its obvious how snarky numbnuts like you manage to not have your lights on when it’s dark - thanks for proving my point.

This only proves that spaceflight was predicted in the Koran.

Apparently newly-minted Senator JD Vance is also a fuckwit, posting a pic with a rifle in his front yard.

And she’s got big balls

Every Accusation is a Confession

What a shiatty attitude. Training people to slaughter “foreign” plant and animal “invaders” makes it oh so easy to transfer those feelings onto humans. Keep on raising generations of death merchants and wonder why the world is so f-ed up.

Maybe you mistake ignorance for not wishing to have the rules of right-of-way arbitrarily f-ed with and cause an accident.

Orrrrrrrrr, the meanings are pretty universal and many people are ignorant of them. Guides exist for many things which are universal, like mathematics and chemistry. They are called “textbooks” and the process of disseminating and using them is sometimes called “education”.

Turning my own lights off, even temporarily, once got me a ticket. Cars have automatic lights nowadays. If you still manage to forget how to drive safely, you’re getting the brights.

This just in - Adderall already was amphetamine.

Can’t imagine why amorphous ice could be similar to water. One could be forgiven for thinking the only difference between ice and water is a healthy helping of morphous, or that vigorously shaken molecules are analogous to heat, but nope! How weird, kids!

What, did she think that it was an LSU mascot or something? Auburn? Maybe Bama college football fans get Tigger Triggered.

Ok, so what? Semantics don’t detract from the fact that the Chinese are driving this phenomenon. That isn’t some Chilean fisherman in the video.

When hordes of New Yorkers identify you as Madonna’s Daughter, you are, by definition, a Nepo Baby.

All of those countries have sizable Chinese populations, I saw it personally in the Philippines.

I wonder if Mr. Bigglesworth is going to get a seat soon?

according to the World Wildlife Foundation (WWF) which has reported that years of CHINESE people hunting them for their fins and teeth have significantly decreased the population.”

Corporate stooges are not human. How can they sleep at night talking/writing like that?

“Inventing Anna,” was created by Shonda Rhimes

I guess setting up shop in Romania wasn’t the flex he thought it was