
The opposite of conquest loyalty should be called a Ford, where they simply force customers to go somewhere else by refusing to make cars.  

I’m a chemist and get all that but it still doesn’t clarify the sentence for me. 

less than 25k - ugh

I am definitely in this category, now owning a leased 6 cylinder with >25k miles on it - from a car company that refuses to make cars anymore. No way I’m letting that go back to the dealer in today’s market.

when they stop throwing wine into the kitchen sink

not a single mention of the isotope in question

this has been a thing for decades

I see this douchebag’s stupid hair every day in the news and I still don’t care what he did.

Gold has quadrupled in price since 2006; can we blame Biden too?

I did not enjoy having to scroll-click-repeat this *slideshow* in 2022.

Its not all about you, druggie.

Thank you for including the Trash-80. God I miss those chicklet keys...

What the hell are you even talking about?

Wow, you were stupid enough to include the word in its own made-up, self -contradictory definition....After redundantly blurting it out BEFORE said definition! Congratulations on both proving my point AND furthering illiteracy, kid.

Flag on the play: illiterate use of “literally”. 15-yard penalty and repeat 7th grade.

Could it have been due to the confusion of typeface thorn and y? The one that made Ye Old and The Old the same thing?

The latent racism in every headline calling non-native species “invaders”, when they are all brought here by the actions of humans, for cheap clicks continues to be inexcusable. 

Jyna slapped tariffs on almonds and alfalfa due to the Trade War started and lost by TFG, hence the subsidies.

I remember the machines similar the ones in video (they had colored knobs to change the numbers) at the SOHIO station during the ‘73 Opec embargo. The attendants had those coin dispensers on their belts, too.

Credit cardS in 1976!