
This is by far the biggest fault of any show set in the future. Replicator technology is a giant ironic middle finger to all the locally sourced, bespoke, artisan, off-the-grid dipster shit being made this century. And why doesn’t the holodeck ever do someone’s horrific Star Trek fanfic?

Bitcoin, legitimate?


gonna say it’s not the lower half

Does defamation even apply to cranks? Does he even have any fame to de-?? Was he actually making money off his lies? If so, why beg?

From the people that brought you “Saddam’s Nukes”, “Where’s Osama” and “What Planned Insurrection all over the Internets?”

leaving “fossil” out of the headline makes this shitty clickbait

using the word hacking” for anything and everything

Martin must have written the headline because it isn’t finished either.

god knows that extra $3 will put people on the street

Isn’t disruption the holy grail for every self-obsessed little ontrapranah out there? Why bother with messy and expensive computer hacking when you can just HAARP up a hurricane? Innovation!

Polymerase chain reaction or Higgs boson.

your political stance is that you have no political stance

Punching brothers in the face is like water flowing downhill or Michigan punting, and should not be considered part of the asshole human sample group

just like all human behavior, asshole is a spectrum

What’s that rate when the drug is targeting treatment of a viral global pandemic that has killed millions ...

Prolly could have been worded better.

Is this an alternate version of the “time-out chair”?

“...but I do believe that green lawns are folly.... I can see some very hard choices being made...

The article may or may not have said something about air quality