
It's really not so hard to learn of a new task and, rather than just doing it, prioritise it.

Most tenuous analogy ever. Your brain is just as similar to a doormat as it is to an iPhone. By analogy, the doormat is quite large - you only step on one part of it at a time - but the other parts are still there in the background.

I didn't feel the need to reply to this thread until a slightly above-average length of time had passed.

@Helvetica: Good, because they needed more work. Not only were they non-direct-manipulation (you didn't pull the screen across, you performed the gesture and then the action occurred), they would also have made it impossible for young children to use these wonderful devices; they always go at it with all fingers at

@ctxppc: Even retina display gets noticeably pixelly on certain curved lines. The crispness of doubling again would be extraordinary.

@Kato: My point was I bet bet bet you could tell the difference. And that it would be crisp as Peking Duck. And beautiful.

Verifiably incorrect AND utterly false? BOTH? He must mean business.

People say you wouldn't notice the difference. But I say a 652ppi display would be monumentally amazing.

(Apple seems to have a boner for higher res displays lately.)

@Orion126: That outburst greatly displeased me. I forthwith need a sip of Earl Grey tea to calm my senses.

Not. Available. In. UK.

No way man, I don't want to live inside a MacBook Pro?!

I bet "666" being a triplet of 6s and a thing regularly referenced expands the 6s.

That isn't the iTunes logo :P

This is "grid method" multiplication, taught in UK primary schools, but done with lines rather than numbers.

@cruzer555: You're taking this all too seriously.

@cruzer555: It's not hard to type with good grammar and spelling. It's effortless. If someone doesn't, it's because they couldn't. If they're a copywriter, that's embarrassing. It's a point worth making.