
severe stomach pain, intense vomiting and “uncontrollable” diarrhea

Funny how the URL of the article linked has the year it was published in it... and no one took note.

This is very confusing... amazon prime has music... so what is amazon music?

The complaint about the magnet for the connector is a bit of a non issue imho. I have a Pebble and know exactly what you mean by the magnet feels weak, but the important thing to note is, the watch charges in under 30 minutes. So if you have it charging over night, it being bumped off the charger doesn’t have much

I like the reader on the back, your fingers rest there when holding the phone anyhow. It actually feels natural on the Nexus 5X. I agree though, the bezel should have been drastically reduced. The Moto X from 2014 has a much more reasonable bezel.

It looks very ugly... much like the iPhone... too much bezel. The glass on the back though, thats just horrendous.

3) Laws... I’d be surprised if laws about hurting other humans didn’t come into play inside Westworld. Much like how you can go to Disney but you don’t get explicitly in trouble with their park security if you kill another person inside the park, you get in trouble with external laws (though I imagine Disney frowns

I think that same FMJ / Moonrise marching scene was also in Major Pain...

I have different passwords for each site =/ so there isn’t a common one unfortunately. Damn Yahoo for holding the lock and key to all my spam mail.

Do you think the hackers could tell me my password? I don’t remember it...

“Am I the only one who thinks of Ramsay Bolton whenever apple warns us of an undisclosed person in the building.” Is that a better analogy for you?

Refuse to acknowledge the obvious? You mean like how the content of the song includes rape, much like how the content of Game of Thrones includes rape? Would you prefer I say her being upset about them mentioning the song would be akin to her being upset about the coworkers mentioning how crazy it was that Sansa was

When I was attending university a drunk college student walked into my room, laid down on my bed, and went to sleep. The reason for this was in his drunken stupor he assumed he was on the 4th floor, when in fact he was on the 3rd. This isn’t an example of something that could happen, this is something that really did

So if I understand your logic correctly - the song contains rape content kind of like how Game of Thrones contains rape, and as a result the phrase Game of Thrones is “an arguably comedic euphemism for [rape]” kind of like how bed intruder is.

Really? I’ve not once heard the phrase bed intruder be used as a euphemism for a rapist until you just said it now. It could equally be applied to unwanted guests, or people who act like Goldilocks. Heck I’d be surprised if most incidents of rape even occur in a bed.

Yes, we know that from having heard it or read the lyrics or story. Much like how if you’ve seen or read game of thrones you would know it contained rape, incest, and other questionable content. Point is the title of the song “bed intruder” could very well be about Goldilocks, and doesn’t simply imply a rapist.

Dumb and Dumber

I’d be amazed if my dog could hunt or catch anything, it has hair is very short and has virtually no mouth... Shih-tsu’s were not meant to do much of anything to the ecosystem.

“Do you trust me?” “What did you say?” “I said do you trust me”
