mikey V

From what you said and other articles posted they did say 30fps across the board. If the rumor proves true somebody probably smacked the devs in the face and said let the PC players play at 60. I doubt it though.

I thought I could change PSN Id when I made it. I was really into Bleach, (the anime), at the time and I came up with the name based on that. My Steam name is just a combination of my middle name and first name.

It still baffles me that a game series as popular as Kingdom Hearts skipped an entire console generation.

Well I did. I regretted it not too long after.

The stories are too awful for me to take them seriously. MW2 really killed any love I had for these type of stories. It was so absurd I couldn't take one minute of it seriously.

Just because the story isn't serious doesn't mean the creators aren't taking it seriously. Comedy takes a lot of skill to pull off.

If I wanted to play any of those military games for the single-player:

As much as I'm looking forward to BF4's multiplayer and I can't muster up any sort of anticipation for it's single-player. It's just another serious military story that's trying to ape's COD's serious military stories. Seriously can't they just make the single-player Bad company? I'd play that. People actually liked

I meant PC.

Can't I force it to run at 60 on console? I can't believe that. Capped at 30 like that's something to be proud of.

I'm with you but I need something to play on my PS4 besides Killzone and Resogun.

One thing I need to know, does the PS4 version run at 60fps? I know you said that they were virtually indistinguishable but I just need conformation. Sorry if I sound a bit pushy about the question.

That Sony Headset that they're advertising is pretty good. I pre-ordered it from Amazon a couple of years ago when they listed it for $65. It has never gone back to that price since.

I'm hoping that most of the PC buying gamers won't have gone to Gamestop to pick it up. That's a real deal at that price.

Can this game just come out, please. I've been waiting on this game since KH2.

South Park. Too many classic episodes that made me laugh really hard.

No. I don't play mobile games enough to justify it. Also the best mobile games take advantage of the inputs available. Case in point Kingdom Rush.

This is why I choose to live in the burbs. Yea you don't get the city life but you get a lot of space to chill.

As good decent folk we know certain things are off limits. Clearly this POS isn't a decent human being. Hopefully something comes of this.