de Snoek

Just start with the Microsoft Launcher to begin with and you're already halfway there. 

Jungle Book was actually better than the animation. It was no longer a collection of loosely connected scenes but an actual story. It also added a bit of tension that the original was lacking.

Actual DS owner here (1974 DSpecial). I’ve defended past models in the current DS lineup for being at least creative and unorthodox in the spirit of the original but this is just boring.

You mean the two characters that were so underused and obviously were victims of cut scenes that they’re scene together resulted in really cringy ‘old guy hits on young girl’ stuff?

Seeing as that is the most interesting part of BF2 multiplayer: yes, bring it on. Like, wasn't Jedi Starfighter the last proper flying game we got in this series? 

Hey! Curling is the 'Troll 2' of sports! It's awesome in a bad way! 

A Podracer by the team behind Forza Horizon... YES PLEASE!!! 

Wait and watch Microsoft pull a Sony and wait for the PS5 price to be set first before announcing the X is just a bit cheaper.

“Darth vader doesn’t mean anything in any language on earth”

What’s the actual benefit of more vertical space though? Doesn’t seem like the most logical thing to actually want from a foldable phone. I’m still betting on the Surface approach. Rather have two screens than one that will undoubtedly not live up to its promise.


Fascinating how we lose important members of an endangered species and the only comments are ‘funny’. 

Babu Frik, one of my oldest friends, was easily among the best things in the entire ST... 

This article title is insanely weird to non native English speakers hahaha. What is a mechanical turk? Like, a digital Turkish dude?

The whole point of JP was that none of the dinos were pure or even looked like the real deal. The idea was to create dinosaurs that would look like what people thought they looked like. So no 'real' dinos means no need for feathers. 

You can still write about questionable morals in an entertaining way instead of what we got. Plus the whole ONI backstabbing of Arby thing. Like I get all of the elements, but together theyre too much unlikable things at once for my taste. 

How is this a misstep after all the problems the ST had story wise? If the scripts aren’t good enough yet and it’s too much like the very awesome Mandalorian they should be working on them until they are good enough. 

Fiat Multipla. First one was ugly in an endearing and funky way. Facelift made it boring as hell and plain ugly.

Better name. Better plot. Still lame but not trying hard to bring back stuff and damage everything around it in the process. Probably would be better than ROS. 

It has Queen so yes. It is superior. But not because of great movie making ;)