
Democracy A Mess

Doesn’t say why, exactly. Also appears to be wrong.

Berner. FTFY

Omfg you guys look what not-Bernie did or didn’t do today.

Something something “big for his age.”

That’s some Bob Loblaw shit right there.

There were more US soldiers lost in the practice landing for D-Day than in both GWOT expeditions.

“Potentially deadly jawn happening to other people is definitely better than me being mildly inconvenienced.”

Exactly this. The eye-blink (in historical terms) restoration of Confederates and slave owners to power and failure to hold leadership and military officers accountable for real-deal capital-T Treason created the modern South. Fucking tired of the romance. They should have all been short-dropped from the back of

That’s a hard reach, gonna need a stepladder.

Cue viral videos of cops dancing or some cop buying a woman’s groceries.

Also, and I cannot stress this enough, please stay away from my kid.

So, if I try to shoot you, but the gun jams, we just shake hands and say “no harm done?”

Given how gun people won’t fucking talk about anything else, I can’t imagine that’s often the case.

To quote Jon Lovett this week: “If you rob a bank, and the vault is empty, you just go home, and everyone pretends it didn’t happen.”

It’s *possible* that he was suffering early symptoms. Aaron Hernandez’ advanced CTE is posited by some to have started in his teens playing high school football. The science is still evolving.

I read these stories and realize how lucky I am. My mom remarried when I was seven. My stepdad and I didn’t get along - he was hard and old-school. But I learned a lot, and we’re family now.

I’ve been saying this for years. He dresses like a fat kid at junior prom. 

Hey, at least that good-for-nothing asshole Colin Kaepernick is still out of a job, amirite?