
A great article, but that leader photos of Italian fascists available? We went with the “it’s a-spicy meatball?

Those who live in Mike Pence houses shouldn’t throw anything, ever, at anyone.

Love it. “Can’t wait until I can drive across the border from my deliberately regressive neo-con-Mad Max-pastiche of a home state to score legal weed next door, but I only wish their government was smarter, maybe they could get their shit together and elect somebody like Mike Fucking Pence.”

I’ve reached a point in my life where I can honestly say I wish no ill on those who harm me...but whatever it takes.

How can you be so salty and unseasoned at the same time, Cowboy Twitter Karen?

Yeah, the one whose grandfather was an investment banker and whose parents were Madison Avenue advertising flacks.

You know, that’s entirely possible.


Let me ask you an equally stupid question: do you not think that he  cooperated and coordinated with the Russians and the Trump campaign in WikiLeaks’ most significant activities?

I get that, but I think it may be a bit overbroad. Protection and precedent exist for publishing classified or secret information by the press.

Entirely possible.

Also, I feel like it needs to be said: Assange may feel like a persecuted fellow traveler, but he is fucking not. True, he stung a giant...but it’s pretty clear he was in the employ and under the influence of another at the time.

Did you just spam reply all of my comments, or what?

An excellent question, and one I can’t answer. If I had to hazard a guess, I’d say they didn’t either didn’t have enough evidence at the time (in most of these cases, it is accumulated over time) or that they were sure that an indictment would complicate the election. It’s probably the second, if I know my American

Disingenuous, to say the least.


If he’s charged under US criminal law, the process attaches.

I know this is Splinter heresy, but the actions in question are more than chargeable under the Espionage Act. This isn’t about protected speech, and Assange isn’t a journalist.

Rich ones with no fucking manners.