
Are you familiar with any of the animation done outside South Korea in the past decade and a half?

If you feel dragged, it’s for good reason. This is the kind of dog-whistle bootstraps bullshit full of suppositions and half-truths that drives right-thinking people insane.

Sorry. That’s Terry Pratchett.

Oh, fuck off with that false equivalency.

They loan it, he gives it back. Bada-bing bada-boom, you got a legitimate financial transaction, here.

Split the difference. He was broke, but didn’t want to appear broke, so he laundered money for the vory. But since you don’t get to keep that, he’s broke behind the scenes.

“Botches” implies that this is ineptitude, not malice.

Exactly. If Caster Semenya needs to lower her T to compete, I propose cutting off the feet and shins of every player in the NBA so that everyone is 5'8".

Their first single “My Heart is a Mass Grave (Full of Other Ethnicities)” is my personal favorite.

Milk I drank in second grade

I love this country. A black man can’t carry a phone in his hand in his own backyard without being shot multiple times by police, yet white mass murderers are apprehended alive unless they commit suicide.

Who are we kidding? He’ll retire and draw his pension, denying this sideways the whole time.

but on the tenants tenets of separation of state and the chamber’s constitutional duties.

Right, that’s an option in an airport, and most people traveling are doing so for leisure, especially with small children in tow.

I don’t know who you are, sir, coming for Phyllis Diller like that.

That’s a sucker’s bet. What we need is side odds on the exact dodge used when they fail to prosecute. Will it be “Lack of evidence” at 25:1, “Failure of witness to respond” at 10:1, or the big payout “Fuck off [your choice of slur]” at 150:1?

I’m a Christian and my Christian beliefs are you don’t do interracial marriage.”

To be honest, he’s living rent-free in my House.

“What could we have done about him? He clearly wasn’t Muslim. Thoughts and prayers.” - the FBI after this dude shoots up his campus