
All of these articles have the same soundbite about kosher food. It feels a bit tacked on.

It’s one fucking circle, unbroken.

Lack of physician involvement isn’t the only barrier, but it’s a good one. There’s a double hurdle to the use of proper surgical anaesthetic:

Fair enough.

In certain cases, other side effects have been reported. Ask your doctor if a crypto-fascist shitshow is right for you.

No argument there, but I would add that it’s also intended to be profitable at the expense of those incarcerated.

Critical reading is a hell of a skill.

Sophie, exactly the right take. All of our prisons save those for which it is necessary to have walls and enhanced security measures (because let’s face it, some folks need it) should be like the FCI camps.

Presumably because since he owned the truck, he knows what it is.

An early mentor explained to 23-year-old me how to be a successful young white guy in a business or board room environment.

How on Earth is this ungreyed?

Right? Unpopular opinion around here, but Chelsea Manning wasn’t a whistleblower. She didn’t use the channels available for such things. They exist. I worked in a very similar position assigned to forward-deployed JTFs in the same timeframe.

Yes, we like journalism.

Isn’t this always the way, though? We want you to be successful and stop taking “handouts” but not too successful (see Tulsa.) We want you to be “articulate” but don’t articulate things too clearly for our liking (see Dr. King, Medgar Evers, etc.)

So much for the tolerant left, amirite? Something, something “purity test.” So the guy took some money from some pharma dudes and is essentially margarine with legs. Are you forgetting that he LIVES IN PUBLIC HOUSING? Have you no shame, sir?

There’s gonna be hell toupee.

It always puzzles me when people get dentures that are obviously bad. Why wouldn’t you take the opportunity to get better teeth?

Point us to where China owned that shit.

Aunt Mazie gave ol’ Lindsey a case of the vapors. He’ll have to lie down on the fainting couch for a spell.

I agree that Brand Twitter sucks, but have you noticed that all of Splinter has just devolved into a weird hybrid of old-man/edgelord “down with this sort of thing?”