
For once, I agree with the President: it’s time to investigate the investigators.

Pepperidge Farm remembers.

Would have succeeded if he’d piled up some strawman arguments for tinder.

Perfect metaphor for deleting something from the middle that’s gross, unnecessary and ultimately self-defeating.

Tune in for the misogyny, stick around for the racism.

Amen. This is incel bullshit.

And ride the bus with poor people and blacks and commies?

Maybe, but let’s not do Joe’s gymnastics for him.

If anything, he’s not set in his ways - that’s the problem. Uncle Joe is an excellent weathervane.

“Look, Batman, it’s the Bad-Faith Virtue Signal!”

>The issue is that it isn’t like the money is going to be used to reward fans or anything.

The thing about doubling down on idiocy is it’s hard to hold the person responsible. I mean, if you’re too dumb to know that the first thing you said is impossible trash, how can we say you should know better the second time?

Imagine how shitty she’ll be about her property line.

Noooooooooooo both siiiiiiiiiiiides!

Hey there, selfawarewolf, that’s what Hannah Arendt famously called the “banality of evil” when reporting on Eichmann’s trial. We don’t need to rehabilitate these folks back into polite society.

He wasn’t there to speak truth to power. He was there to provide more Candace Owens-style cover. He’s a shill, man.

Bugrit, millenium hand and shrimp, innit? I tol’ em.

Honestly, can we talk about how everyone else seemingly jumped overnight to schoolboy knots?

Proofreading is bitch work.

I’ll bet you dislocated a finger doing all them keyboard gymnastics.