

“she”. omg my cold heart just melted! 😭

It was a fatal mistake not to have Larian Studios involved. It’s not possible for this game to live up to the expectations now.

Thanks for the tip! Just bought it.

Thanks for the tip! Just bought it.

Absolutely buy it. It’ll pay for itself. You can all play party games together or one can play while you guys watch movies together. They can sink hundreds of hours into a $60 game like Zelda Breath of the Wild. And there are brilliant indie games like Hollow Knight that you can get 100 hours out of and costs $15! That

Absolutely buy it. It’ll pay for itself. You can all play party games together or one can play while you guys watch

Yup I went down a 20-minute googling rabbit hole before I saw the footnote.

And Cory Booker is also a Rhodes Scholar.

The driver shoulda stopped at the yellow lights.

They should just make it possible to trade any pokemon and have it sit in your box but not withdrawable. That way you can technically fill your pokedex without Gamefreak needing to build whole designs for all of them. That might shut up these absurd brats.

So a single used copy is $200 but 100,000 copies is $5 each? Plus you get political favors out of it? Sounds like a good deal to me!

Thanks! This was neat!

Uh, a lot of people would love the extra fan. You just made their flight more pleasant and comfortable.

I appreciate the consistency of Nintendo games never going on sale. It justifies buying the games when they’re first released. And increases the value of used copies.

Are you arguing that the punishment would have been reasonable had the court sufficiently warned jurors ahead of time? B/c I find that absurd.

The penalties for missing jury duty are *likely* to be a fine or nothing at all given that it happens all the time and alternates are available. Jail time and a criminal record is incredibly *unlikely*. That’s why this is making news. B/c it was an incredibly outrageous and explicitly racist judgment.

No. There’s always severe possible penalties, but rarely are they ever administered. You could serve jail time for going 20 over the speed limit, does that always stop you?

Bull fucking shit. Had he had white skin it would’ve been a very different case.

So is using your cell phone while driving. Maybe you should spend a few nights in jail.

Thankfully the sentence was commuted so he at least won’t have a criminal record for this.

If it’s possible, I reduce the music and sound effects volume as low and possible, but keep voice volume at max. That way I can listen to podcasts while playing and simply pause every time a cutscene starts.