Patrick Wood

Fair and I do Agree that we should give our troops the best equipment that we can. Having said that I don’t know if the F35 is that and i guess only time will tell. I feel bad that we force them to use early 1980’s tech (yes its been upgraded but have you ever been in an “Upgraded K car”....its still a K car.

At least the UK has planes to send, in Canada we literally had to send our best 8 (read only) comabt ready F18s to kuait for this isis stuff. So many planes are so far beyond their life that many are limited to 6gs in training or used for parts to keep the others in the air. I dont see why we dont just buy the super

thats awesome. everyone up here bitches about the growlers but i think its great when i get to see them in the gulf islands.

thats a clothing donation bin for a local charity......its taking up half the stall so really the truck was just doing its best.

To be fair if you look closely you can see that the far right spot has a donation bin in it and really isn’t usable as a parking spot or at least isn’t planned to used as a parking spot. The truck is really only using .75 of a real parking space

I grew up next to Kaneohe and remember these birds doing touch and go runs and circling the bay. I was on the tarmac at YYJ this weekend and thought i heard one.....turns out it was a Canadian cp 140 aurora.....same plane minus a lot of the cool stuff. Must have been down from 407 in Comox as we dont have cool stuff

I promise nothing was actually learned in this situation.....those brain cells are long gone

You can get certain types of fungal infections as the groom at a bachelor party i recently attended found out when his face broke out into a rash days before his wedding......think athletes foot ON YOUR FACE

geography? common language? the war of 1812......

honestly id be far more worried about all the shit they built in the downtown core in the 80’s....the stuff with the spalling concrete and visible rusting re-bar. But hey when the big one hits were all screwed anyway. At least it will be a shiny pile of rubble.

true but with all the Ferrari owners who demand Ferrari only service to “maintain” a vehicles value......ask demuro how hard it was to sell his car and the questions he got about where it was serviced and that was just an $80,000 360 not a $500,000 599. When this becomes an issue with the way prices are going it will

im more interested in the supply of them......with 29 cars how long until there are no clutches left

And what is a new clutch gonna run you when the car eats this one for fun?

Its an amazing drive. Had the pleasure last year in September. Just dont rush it


Poor thing....didn’t stand a chance with all the idiots buying air cooled porsches these days

Haha I hear ya. Had a 2007 A4 a 2010 S4 and now have a 2016 S3 on order. The vw is a stopgap and a very good one. It also looks like i will get at least what i paid for it if not more on trade in after 25,000km of driving.