Patrick Wood

im sure Tesla is terrified right now.....or not at all

they actually sent 8 planes....2 spares and of the 78 available planes many are not cleared for combat as they have over 7000 hours on the airframes and cannot pull more than 5 Gs clean and less with tanks and munitions on board. Ask any Canadian f18 pilot and they will tell you how many planes are not really

We may have had 138 hornets but a friend of mine that flies the hornet up here told me that many are over 7000 hours on the frames and not cleared for high G maneuvers. We really should scrap the F35 and get some advanced super hornets about 5 years ago. They fit the needs of this country way better with such wide

except it would be from the ground because we sent all our working jets to kuwait last week.....only kinda kidding about this

no really were gonna make it just lend us your atom and a pile of us its gonna be awesome....and ya trust us

Great, now they are gonna send the lawyers in again......lets just hope an engine fire fixes the styling

30,32, 36,60 and 70 have all been used by AMG......

I think we should use his advice and invest in whatever he says is far hes batting 1000 with the mouse iphone and ipad.....whats next?

I think we should use his advice and invest in whatever he says is far hes batting 1000 with the mouse iphone and ipad.....whats next?

Im sure they have a few 918s kicking around you could maybe borrow......