
Automated coffee machine but complains that it only gets paid in electricity. Sounds like a riot.

can’t be a logging road. All logging roads take you to trees which only grow along straight sections of paved road, usually with other built up infrastructure like wifi

Why does everyone start with the most difficult vehicles to automate first?

Yeah, that’ll work...

So a vehicle entirely dependent on a slew of expensive, clean, sensors to operate is going to operate in an environment full of mud, sap, bugs, and heavy equipment and general work vehicle abuse?

I saw a T/log just this morning.  Im not one to brag but it was pretty impressive.  

I wont rest easy unit it runs on trees and can feed itself.

Lol the loader won’t worry about scratches after the first 5 minutes. The only good news is there is less truck to hit than a traditional ICEV.

Mack, you did an excellent job of digging deep on Mitsubishi and trying to make their plans interesting.

...and that’s how you destroy your helicopter, boys and girls.

I’ve always wondered. This has literally been a life changing article for me.

What I love about off roading is that the further you get away from civilization the further you get away from brand loyalist garbage. There is no anomisity among people who are just out to enjoy and no clique nonsense. You out here too, eh? ride on friend.

It’s a VW Beetle thing, you wouldn’t understand

Fistbump for smelling like gasoline, oil, and horsehair as an 8-year old. I spent so many hours rambling around my parents’ Beetle that I have no idea why I didn’t asphyxiate myself at some point. I own that car now!

I laughed hard at this. It sounded like, “JA! JA! JA!”

This triggers the hell out all my nostalgia feels of growing up with the original Pooh tales from Disney. They’ve written Pooh himself so perfectly. “People say nothing is impossible, but I do nothing every day.”

Not... Really. Not as far as of road stuffs or, well, fun

Hey you leave colour out of this, just because you lot threw a bunch of tea into a harbour doesn’t mean your version of English is the flavour of the month. Now if you don’t mind I need to do some work on my aluminium engine block this weekend.