
My diet consists of a healthy blend of about 80% blog reading/ 20% actual work during my 8 hour work day, then I go home and spend about another 75% of my remaining hours reading more interwebs, playing video games, or watching movies.

I am buying this day one. It will actually make 3D gaming practical. Here's sony page that has all the details on it.

Is it just me, or does the new design run a little slower? Especially when loading a ton of results.

What's the worst that could happen if they just left them down there?

I thought we did see what was happening on the ground in The Jetsons... it was the Flintstones down there.


Actually, it is rumored to have a notification light. Check phandroid for more.

Why has Giz been pumping out article after article that are anti-google+ lately?? Did you guys have a falling out?

It would take more time to read the instructions and perform the action than it would to close the tab when I update. I actually just wasted more time in writing this comment than all the "Firefox updated" tabs I've ever closed.

Here's hoping for Jade Empire 2 after Mass Effect is finished up!

Seconded. I went to one last night in Austin - they had no idea what I was talking about.

I think the most important thing to point out is that this latest release allows uTorrent Remote and PeerBlock to work together!!!

I recently moved my main PC into my living room. I love it for watching movies and gaming - but when I actually work from it (Dreamweaver, Photoshop) it's really straining on my eyes. I have a 46" HDTV and I'm usually sitting/laying on my couch about 7 feet away.

Gears, of course. But I really need to finish Witcher 2 before Skyrim comes out...

Perhaps it was bad grammar, but that was meant to be read as "the tech city of Texas" and "the capital of Texas". Of course silicon valley is the tech mecca of the world. But Austin is also referred to as "Silicon Hills".

I'm waiting for the Nexus Prime as my next phone. The most current rumor suggests that it's going to Verizon first, then to the other major carries "promptly".

I live in Austin — also known as the tech city and freaking capital of the state of Texas. So why did all the other major cities get LTE before us??

What I use for my keyboard/mouse is a little "entertainment stand" for a dorm room - for a 20" TV. The key is to measure your elbow height and your eye height. You want your elbows to be at a 90 degree angle or slightly lower and you want your eyes to line up with the top portion of your monitors. I'm 6'3" and these

I stand at work. Then when I get tired, I sit. It's pretty simple. Just make sure your config can switch. I spent $40 at Target to get 2 tv trays (for my monitors) and an entertainment stand (for keyboard and mouse). It works perfect.